enumerate latex

Enumerate latex

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Options 1 and 2 are designed to automatically generate the LaTeX code necessary for typesetting lists. However, for those who want to write their own LaTeX code, option 3 might be the preferred choice. It offers the greatest flexibility and is the primary focus of this article. This article provides an introduction to typesetting, and customizing, various types of list in LaTeX:. Typesetting lists is a large topic because LaTeX lists are extremely configurable, enabling creation of an enormous variety of list types and structures.

Enumerate latex

Each of them provide four levels, which means you can have nested lists of up to four levels. The enumerate-environment is used to create numbered lists. If you like to change the appearance of the enumerator, the simplest way to change is to use the enumerate-package, giving you the possibility to optionally choose an enumerator. Itemization is probably the mostly used list in Latex. It also provides four levels. The bullets can be changed for each level using the following command:. The description list might be the least known. It comes in very handy if you need to explain notations or terms. Its neither numbered nor bulleted. Lists can be nested. In other words, it is possible to have a sub-list for an item of a list.

It works similarly for tables and equations. April at

For unordered lists, LaTeX provides the itemize environment and for ordered lists there is the enumerate environment. If you want to add an ordered list, you simply have to replace itemize with enumerated environment and LaTeX will take care of the enumeration for you:. Sometimes you also have to list things, which have some kind of sub-category. For this reason, LaTeX allows you to nest list environments and it will fix the indentation and numbering accordingly. You can easily modify the output of the list. If you want to change the symbol for all items of the list, you should preferably use the enumitem environment, which I will explain using the example of ordered lists. I will use the enumerate environment for this purpose.

One way of presenting ideas or items orderly is by making use of a list. LATEX provides us with commands that help us to list our items with ease. In all the 3 environments, the listed text is indented from the left margin the label is included automatically. The list environment gives a unique type of label by default unless customized. The itemize environment is used to produce an unnumbered list. Default marking or label of an item in the itemize environment is a bullet. There is no need of using line breaks in all the listing environments because they only increase and give us unnecessary space. Example to demonstrate the default labeling when nesting is performed in itemize environment is shown below:.

Enumerate latex

Convenient and predictable list formatting is one of the many advantages of using LaTeX. Users of WYSIWYG word processors can sometimes be frustrated by the software's attempts to determine when they intend lists to begin and end. As a mark-up language, LaTeX gives more control over the structure and content of lists. Lists often appear in documents, especially academic, as their purpose is often to present information in a clear and concise fashion. List structures in LaTeX are simply environments which essentially come in three types:. All three of these types of lists can have multiple paragraphs per item: just type the additional paragraphs in the normal way, with a blank line between each. So long as they are still contained within the enclosing environment, they will automatically be indented to follow underneath their item.

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Psychology: Scientific study of mental processes and behaviour. Hi guys, I have one question.. Such LaTeX bullet points show up with different idents to indicate different depths. So I am able to get double space in between two bullets using item sep but when this long text goes in to next line, the space between two lines of one bullet remains to single space only. Many thanks, John. Hi Mark, Have a look at the examples below using the tabular and description environments. Thanks for this interesting question. Learn more. However, LaTeX actually allows you to use many different types of bullet points within a single list. You may also find the enumitem documentation useful. Hi Uros, Thanks for the comment. Set the position of bullets so that bullets are aligned. Hi Jong, Thanks for this interesting question. Can we "poke" the author again? LaTeX allows you to make many different types of lists.

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Thanks Humberto. The following table shows the LaTeX commands used for label-generation at each level of the itemize and enumerate list environments:. One way to do that, for enumerate-based lists, is to use the counter variables created by the enumitem package—those counter variables use the name of your list: myitems in our example. I wrote about inline lists some time ago. Use itemindent of the enumitem package to create hanging indent in lists. How do I created a nested enumerate where the second enumerate does not drop to a line line? Options 1 and 2 are designed to automatically generate the LaTeX code necessary for typesetting lists. CTAN hosts a number of list-related packages which may be worth investigating if you have particular customization requirements. I wrote the example below and it seems this is the standard behavior. Cheers, Tim. The steps mentioned above are quite straightforward once you understand the commands involved. Could you provide a minimal working example similar to the one below to illustrate your problem.

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