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Erotica impregnation

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Erotica impregnation

Hello, my fertile-minded followers! You may have noticed my absence from updates here. I apologize for that. I have been well personally, so no need to worry. The easiest way to explain my absence is that of burnout, but the sources of those misgivings I will explain below. The Misgivings My blog here has been operating for over a decade now, and it definitely shows its age. It's heyday seemed to be between - , after which it hit a plateau in viewership that I never have been able to quite breach. And after , it went into a steady decline. Granted I've never done advertising or marketing of any significant kind, so all this was organic growth and something I was and am quite proud of. But fundamentally I think this mode of content-sharing is just outdated and not serving my audience best.

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