even in the singularity ne demek

Even in the singularity ne demek

The technological singularity —or simply the singularity [1] —is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization.

Usually the singularity. Also called technological singularity. The real singularity was that point at which specific information about the world, about experiences, about ideas, about inventions and creations, began to live alongside us. We need to be doing a better job of hazard assessments, and not examining hazards in singularity. That sense of self-enforced singularity —the feeling that he's the last of the Mohicans—is a big part of White's appeal.

Even in the singularity ne demek

A gravitational singularity , spacetime singularity or simply singularity is a condition in which gravity is predicted to be so intense that spacetime itself would break down catastrophically. As such, a singularity is by definition no longer part of the regular spacetime and cannot be determined by "where" or "when". Gravitational singularities exist at a junction between general relativity and quantum mechanics ; therefore, the properties of the singularity cannot be described without an established theory of quantum gravity. Trying to find a complete and precise definition of singularities in the theory of general relativity, the current best theory of gravity, remains a difficult problem. Gravitational singularities are mainly considered in the context of general relativity, where density would become infinite at the center of a black hole without corrections from quantum mechanics , and within astrophysics and cosmology as the earliest state of the universe during the Big Bang. Physicists are undecided whether the prediction of singularities means that they actually exist or existed at the start of the Big Bang , or that current knowledge is insufficient to describe what happens at such extreme densities. General relativity predicts that any object collapsing beyond a certain point for stars this is the Schwarzschild radius would form a black hole, inside which a singularity covered by an event horizon would be formed. Modern theory asserts that the initial state of the universe , at the beginning of the Big Bang, was a singularity. Neither general relativity nor quantum mechanics can currently describe the earliest moments of the Big Bang , [8] but in general, quantum mechanics does not permit particles to inhabit a space smaller than their wavelengths. Many theories in physics have mathematical singularities of one kind or another.

In it Bostrom seems to embrace I. The effect of the singularity not on an AI, but on an actual human mind—a mind that has been uploaded.

Singularity shows how all forms and phenomena, because of the emptiness of true nature and because of its being beyond time and space, totally pervade each other. They are all one and also many. They are all identical and also different. Singularity is when the infinity of reality appears in a single point. All spatial and temporal infinity manifests as one point. All space and all time are one point, where the point is all space and all time without any.

In a new paper published in The International Journal of Astrobiology , Joseph Gale from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and co-authors make the point that recent advances in artificial intelligence AI —particularly in pattern recognition and self-learning—will likely result in a paradigm shift in the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life. While futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted 15 years ago that the singularity—the time when the abilities of a computer overtake the abilities of the human brain—will occur in about , Gale and his co-authors believe this event may be much more imminent, especially with the advent of quantum computing. The strategy game StarCraft II may be the next to have a machine as reigning champion. If we look at the calculating capacity of computers and compare it to the number of neurons in the human brain, the singularity could be reached as soon as the early s. For example, whales and elephants have more than double the number of neurons in their brain, but are not more intelligent than humans. When this occurs, the end of the human race might very well be upon us, they say, citing a prediction by the late Stephen Hawking. According to Kurzweil, humans may then be fully replaced by AI, or by some hybrid of humans and machines. What will this mean for astrobiology? But it might have a drastic impact on the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life SETI. If other civilizations are similar to ours but older, we would expect that they already moved beyond the singularity.

Even in the singularity ne demek

At this unique time, the growth trend might display unusual behavior. Debate continues whether the rate of change at the singularity will further accelerate, slow down, or demonstrate other behavior e. Very basic questions about this historical trend concern the causes such as mathematical conditions of growth and factors like energy, environment, and information. Finally, possible extensions to the pattern are considered in cosmological history, near-term transition to sustainability, and construction of potential far-future scenarios and implications. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution. Technol Forecast Soc Chang 74 8 — Article Google Scholar.


Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. In , I. The loss of energy also implies that black holes do not last forever, but rather evaporate or decay slowly. Evidence from AI Experts". These multiple possible paths to an intelligence explosion, all of which will presumably be pursued, makes a singularity more likely. A singularity in general relativity, on the other hand, is more complex because spacetime itself becomes ill-defined, and the singularity is no longer part of the regular spacetime manifold. Kurzweil is known for his view on the technological singularity , a moment in which man transcends his biological limits. The goal was to discuss the potential impact of the hypothetical possibility that robots could become self-sufficient and able to make their own decisions. Astrophysical jet Gravitational singularity Ring singularity Theorems Event horizon Photon sphere Innermost stable circular orbit Ergosphere Penrose process Blandford—Znajek process Accretion disk Hawking radiation Gravitational lens Microlens Bondi accretion M—sigma relation Quasi-periodic oscillation Thermodynamics Bekenstein bound Bousso's holographic bound Immirzi parameter Schwarzschild radius Spaghettification. Sign Up. Categories : Singularitarianism Existential risk from artificial general intelligence Philosophy of artificial intelligence Science fiction themes. If a superhuman intelligence were to be invented—either through the amplification of human intelligence or through artificial intelligence—it would vastly improve over human problem-solving and inventive skills. The meaning of Total Being expands as our experience of true nature reveals more and more of itself. We will soon create intelligences greater than our own. Browse More.

Forget doing it or forget to do it?

Some argue that advances in artificial intelligence AI will probably result in general reasoning systems that bypass human cognitive limitations. Kaluza—Klein theory Quantum gravity. Teaching Method A. The effect of the singularity not on an AI, but on an actual human mind—a mind that has been uploaded. Physical Review Letters. Existential risk from artificial intelligence. In , I. Even if all superfast AIs worked on intelligence augmentation, it is unclear why they would do better in a discontinuous way than existing human cognitive scientists at producing super-human intelligence, although the rate of progress would increase. Prominent technologists and academics dispute the plausibility of a technological singularity, including Paul Allen , [11] Jeff Hawkins , [12] John Holland , Jaron Lanier , Steven Pinker , [12] Theodore Modis , [13] and Gordon Moore , [12] whose law is often cited in support of the concept. However, many of these points are completely regular , and the infinities are merely a result of using an inappropriate coordinate system at this point.

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