ewan mcgregor nude

Ewan mcgregor nude

The pair, who star alongside each other in their new film 'Bleeding Love', opened up about how Clara watched 's 'The Pillow Book' during a gender studies class. Clara McGregor is reflecting on the "uncomfortable" moment that she and her high school gender studies class watched her father Ewan ewan mcgregor nude film The Pillow Book — nude scenes included. During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Livewhere the father-daughter duo promoted their latest project Bleeding Loveewan mcgregor nude, year-old Clara described her "quite memorable" experience of watching one of her dad's films as part of a high school class.

Keywords: Hall of Fame Nudity! Scottish sex symbol Ewan McGregor first shot up into fame as heroin-addicted anti-hero Mark Renton in the druggie drama Trainspotting. It better no be! He plays both two characters in the third season of the TV series Fargo in which he plays a successful and clean-cut hottie and his criminal twin brother. We get to see both Ewan as a businessman in a short sex scene and his bad boy twin gets it on with separate women. Before his gay dalliance, Ewan was a little wilder when he played rockstar Kurt Wild in Velvet Goldmine in which he performs completely naked!

Ewan mcgregor nude

Ewan McGregor loves to pamper his fans playing nude movie scenes. And if you consider that this actor is in excellent physical shape, then you can endlessly watch him. This male celeb is also incredibly good at gay scenes. Scottish actor Ewan McGregor has had a strong character since childhood. For example, when he was only 16, he dropped out of school to start working as an actor. By the way, in London he lived in the same room with Jude Law and they are still friends. McGregor loves motorcycles so much that he even sailed around the world with a friend. And, he also used a motorcycle for charity. So, in , he delivered a vaccine on it for children of the Republic of Congo, India and Nepal. It seems that the years do not affect the appearance of Ewan McGregor at all. This handsome guy always looks great!

This handsome guy always looks great!

Maureen Lee Lenker is a senior writer at Entertainment Weekly with over seven years of experience in the entertainment industry. An award-winning journalist, she's written for Turner Classic Movies, Ms. Magazine , The Hollywood Reporter , and more. She's worked at EW for six years covering film, TV, theater, music, and books. Her debut novel, It Happened One Fight , is now available. Follow her for all things related to classic Hollywood, musicals, the romance genre, and Bruce Springsteen.

And that's fine—the female body is beautiful and nothing to be ashamed of. But female nude scenes are often written and directed by men, and created with a distinctly male gaze. Meanwhile, it's still a pretty rare occurrence to see a man's genitalia in films, outside of porn movies. So, in the interest of leveling the playing field and embracing the female gaze, here are 23 times male celebrities got naked on camera. Harvey Keitel's full-frontal nudity in the neo-noir crime drama Bad Lieutenant is so iconic, it's the movie's poster. In a interview with Premiere magazine, Keitel addressed his history of onscreen nudity.

Ewan mcgregor nude

Skip navigation! Story from Pop Culture. September 8, , PM. We are here today to address a fact that I only recently learned. That's because it has appeared in more movies than some actors ever will.

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Indeed, this actor looks very sexy shirtless. Nude , butt Ewan and Lee give some party people a proper mooning. You should definitely watch The Pillow Book Login Sign up now Contact Customer Service. Ewan McGregor also starred in the film Brassed Off Use limited data to select content. In one scene, this nude male celebrity was taking a bath with a woman. Create profiles for personalised advertising. Nude , penis, shirtless Ewan is shaved and then written on, giving us some quick looks at his dick! At the top of this year, model and skincare entrepreneur Lori Harvey cel.

Before Ewan McGregor met Fargo showrunner Noah Hawley , the 45 year-old actor was in the best shape of his life, having been urged by Trainspotting 2 co-star Jonny Lee Miller to start taking long, intense runs through the Scotland hills.

Develop and improve services. Deception - as Jonathan McQuarry. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates and special offers By signing up you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The Super Bowl is, hands down, one of the biggest nights in entertainment of the year. EW's editorial guidelines. Ewan McGregor will impress you with a sex scene in Incendiary Bleeding Love hits theaters Feb. This handsome guy always looks great! The Impossible - as Henry Bennett. Slated to take over Crown Festival P. People Editorial Guidelines. Zoe - as Cole. Clara also quipped that she originally envisioned Nicolas Cage for the role her dad ended up playing. At the top of this year, model and skincare entrepreneur Lori Harvey cel.

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