fallout 4 where is cait

Fallout 4 where is cait

Cait is a cage fighter trapped in the Combat Zone in Fallout 4fighting for the amusement of the raiders that have occupied the arena. Should the Sole Survivor clear out the arena, her employer will transfer her contract to them, making her available as a companion. She is approximately around the age of 26, as it is mentioned she spent 18 years with her parents, five with the fallout 4 where is cait, and three at the Combat Zone.

Cait is the spunky brawler of Fallout 4. Better yet, the player can help Cait process her personal problems, paving the way for a genuine friendship or romance between the two. To find Cait in Fallout 4 , the player must travel to the Combat Zone and defeat all the raiders within. She recalls being yelled at and beaten, and never once was she treated kindly. On two occasions, she tried to run away, but her parents stopped her. The first time she tried, they locked her in the shed, and the second time, they broke her leg.

Fallout 4 where is cait

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Fallout 4 Store Page. Global Achievements. I teleported to diamond city with cait as my companion and she dissappeared. Showing 1 - 15 of 18 comments. Nite69 View Profile View Posts. If you lose a companion they will return to the place you found them originally may have to wait 24 hours in game , check the Combat Zone.

Choosing more "scientific" parameters in the Vault-Tec Workshop experiments. Goddamn it, I'm makin' a mess of this But they didn't make me this way, I did.

The first step in this quest is to recruit Cait, one of the 13 Fallout 4 companions. You can find her in the theater district of Greater Boston, in a locale named Combat Zone. You'll have to deal with a few Raiders once you enter. After that, speak to Tommy, which will trigger the option to recruit Cait as a partner. As with every partner, there is the potential to bond with Cait, depending on your actions in the field and during plot developments.

Video Gamer is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Prices subject to change. Learn more. She goes in hard with a baseball bat or shotgun, and is addicted to performance-enhancing chems which triggers a nice little personal quest with her if you get her approval high enough.

Fallout 4 where is cait

You think I inject myself with all that shite and drink myself drunk because I'm a "tough Irish gal? So there you are. The entire flawed package known as Cait, stripped bare for your perusal. Cait born [1] is cage fighter at the Combat Zone and a potential companion of the Sole Survivor in To say that Cait's life was unpleasant would be understatement. She was born into an abusive family, her parents routinely beating and yelling at her. She tried to run away twice, the first time she did it, they locked her in a shed outside of the house they lived in.

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Stopping the Institute. When at a scenic location: Well, this is nice for a change. After you've headed east and encountered the raider-infested Combat Zone, you can go inside and defeat all of the hostile raiders that are waiting for you. Never mind. RDF feed. Why the hell would you bother helpin' a bunch of lowlife farmers and settlers for free? When your bond has strengthened, she will confide in you about her Psycho addiction and she wants you to help her get clean. They grant the Trigger Rush perk. It was shite, but heck, beggars can't be choosers. Sign in to edit. Crater House , edge of crater. I'd do anything. Replying to Hancock with "I feel you" when first meeting him.

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Telling Miss Edna that everybody the player character loves gets taken away in the end or that love won't save a family. Convincing Skinny Malone to let them go without violence during the quest Unlikely Valentine. As with every partner, there is the potential to bond with Cait, depending on your actions in the field and during plot developments. Technical High School , basement — after killing Bosco or at the throne. Nothin' but a nuisance in their eyes. Giving Sheffield Nuka-Cola. Threatening Finn when first arriving in Goodneighbor. A naked Sole Survivor. Good place to look for rifle ammunition. Boston mayoral shelter , at the basketball court. Calling Vadim an idiot when saving him in Confidence Man.

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