fallout new vegas vault 11

Fallout new vegas vault 11

As with most other Vaults, Vault 11 was a social experiment.

As with the majority of other Vault-Tec Vaults, Vault 11 served as a social experiment. Vault 11's experiment was that the inhabitants were told to sacrifice one of their fellow Vault dwellers each year or else the Vault computer would kill everyone. In actuality, if the residents refused, a message from Vault-Tec would be played. The message commended the dwellers for not selecting one of their own as a sacrifice, telling the dwellers their "commitment to human life is a shining example to us all" and revealing that no one would be killed. The message also informed them that as a reward the Vault door was now unlocked, allowing free passage to and from the Vault, but urged the dwellers to consult with their overseer before doing so. Evidence gathered from computer terminals throughout the Vault describes how Vault residents selected an annual sacrifice from among their members through democratic elections. This individual would serve as overseer , and at the end of their term, they were required to enter a chamber and submit to execution.

Fallout new vegas vault 11

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Choli9 13 years ago 1. Vault 11 is a pain to run. I was running back and forth in circles for quite a while. So far I've done several vaults without any problems until this one. After you finally do everything and you've opened up all the doors and finished the quest to save the food. Go back and check the armory. The place is full of weapons and ammo like you've not seen before in any one place. Although, I wasted a lot of time getting lost, at the end it was worth it.

The Divide. In the utility room, the differential pressure controller required for the Still in the Dark quest for the Brotherhood of Steel is located in a locker in the righthand side of the submerged room. N1ghtw1ng 13 years ago 19 I haven't gone to Vault 11 yet, fallout new vegas vault 11, but would it be wise for me to lay down a ton of Pulse Mines before sitting down to watch the movie?

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived First Page 2 of 2. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

Vault-Tec was more creative than Spielberg, and unfortunately, they used that creativity to devise the most inhumane experiments known to man. Not every Vault was a horror show, but most of them were. But in some cases, Vault-Tec just gave a little nudge and let human nature take care of the rest. Imagine a Vault based on the two ferries and explosives scenario from The Dark Knight, except the people involved failed the test miserably. Continue reading our vault 11 guide where we dive into this crypt ourselves and find out what put these skeletons here. I regularly run into Legionary assassins near the entrance of Vault Vault 11 is the least dangerous Vault dungeon in New Vegas to an extent. There is a ton of loot in Vault 11, so try to come here weighing as little as possible. It helps to have two companions with you, so make sure you have access to ED-E or Rex before coming here.

Fallout new vegas vault 11

As with the majority of other Vault-Tec Vaults, Vault 11 served as a social experiment. Vault 11's experiment was that the inhabitants were told to sacrifice one of their fellow Vault dwellers each year or else the Vault computer would kill everyone. In actuality, if the residents refused, a message from Vault-Tec would be played. The message commended the dwellers for not selecting one of their own as a sacrifice, telling the dwellers their "commitment to human life is a shining example to us all" and revealing that no one would be killed.

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Fallout Fallout games. The next room can split into three hallways. Still in the Dark. If you want to participate, please check the project page. It was basically - my idea was Vault 11, but with like, Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery' at the heart of it. In the end, only five unnamed vault residents remained. The Coalition of Vault 11 Voting Blocs provided information and oversight of this process. Once passing the cafeteria, the hall leads to the atrium. Sci-fi Fallout. At the conclusion of the presentation, wall panels on both sides of the room slide back, and four robots and eight turrets will simultaneously attack the player character.


The Overseer's desk opens to a long tunnel. Once the automatons are dealt with, the player can then access a small room with the vault mainframe computer inside. At the end of the tunnel is a room with a single chair in the center, along with a projector. Merry Christmas, y'all! Katherine Stone's first act as Overseer, "Overseer Order ", dissolved the election process and decreed that the position of Overseer would be chosen using the vault's computer systems and a random number generator. I enjoyed the little picture presentation, had to turn off my radio on the pip boy though, to hear. Out of desperation, despair, and indignation, Katherine enacted a plan of retribution, subsequently murdering members of the Justice Bloc one by one. Rewrite or review needed General reference and claim check, additional references needed. If the vault residents failed to choose an overseer, the vault would cut off their support systems, leading to the death of everyone in the facility. Very, very amusing and an extremely reasonable outcome for something of that nature. Has platform.

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