Feliz cumpleaños mima

Post a Comment It's always nice to hear what you have to say! Feliz cumpleaños mima, August 29, Feliz Cumpleanos Abuela! Small celebration for a big event My Mom requested simple.

Search by Name. Add a Memory. Send Flowers. Share Obituary. In Loving Memory of Bertha L.

Feliz cumpleaños mima


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Discover how to wish your mom a happy birthday in Spanish, write a heartfelt birthday card, and celebrate her special day with creative ideas. Send birthday wishes via social media in Spanish. By choosing the right Spanish phrase to wish your mom a happy birthday, you can make her feel truly special and loved on her special day. Celebrate her in a way that resonates with her heart and shows her the depth of your affection. Think about what makes your relationship with your mom special and incorporate those elements into your message. Consider including memories, inside jokes, or shared experiences that will make her smile. Expressing gratitude and love in your birthday card is essential.

Feliz cumpleaños mima

Muchas veces nos olvidamos de expresar con palabras el gigantesco sentimiento de amor y gratitud que nos une a ella Gracias por darme siempre tu regazo y tu apoyo, por ser palabras de consuelo y cobijo. Hoy siento que todo lo que soy te lo debo a ti. Te amo con toda mi fuerza. Si tu madre es la verdadera reina del hogar, la que vive cuidando de todos y ayudando a quienes lo necesitan, reconoce su valor e importancia en la vida de toda la familia.

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We shared alot of good times that I will always cherish, and smile I will always remeber. No comments:. Dedicate a star in Bertha's name. Ojala que tu espirito siempre se eleve a lo mas alto del firmamento y que desde ahi, puedas velar por todos nosotros. Obituary Templates These free blank templates make writing an obituary faster and easier. My mother was a remarkable woman. Scott Bloom. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Love, Scott Scott Bloom. Me haces mucha falta y te extrano mucho. Tia Bertha was an elequent women, my husband Alfredo wanted me to make sure that people know how lucky we are to have had Tia in our lives. The nightly ceremony in Washington, D.


Viejita, we miss you very much. I miss you and love you always. The girls love it there and have already made many friends. January 7, Pero se que ya tu los conoces, pero seria fabuloso si estuvieras con nosotros. Share Obituary. Abue loved traveling, casino slot machines, good movies, Boxing, and the Miami Dolphins she never admitted liking the Dolphins, but I know it's true. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. He has been commuting for a year. I miss her and feel as bad as I did the day she passed away. She loved to dance and listen to old soft music, like the one that Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers danced to. We are all going to have a happy face outside but crying in the inside. Bad hair days were a no-no.

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