Feliz cumpleaños super heroes

Happy Birthday invitation card with superhero.

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Feliz cumpleaños super heroes

QTY Pack Qty: 5. Log-in for Retailer Pricing. Shipping Times. Product Description. Standard balloons are our most popular foil balloon. They have double-sided graphics and range in size from 17" to 19". Coordinate Standard balloons with Latex balloons for a fun and lively balloon bouquet. Unique and eye-catching; foil balloons add an extra special touch to any gift, balloon bouquet, or party decor! Standard balloons are self-sealing for easy inflation. We urge all customers to attach a properly sized balloon weight and ribbon to each helium balloon purchased. Ribbon and weight sold separately. Not for children under 3 yrs.

Funny dinosaur in superhero costume.

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Feliz cumpleaños super heroes


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