fesshole twitter

Fesshole twitter

By Legal Cheek on Apr 14 am. The account appears particularly popular with lawyers or those who have had dealings with themso Legal Cheek has fesshole twitter it upon itself to highlight some of the more eye-catching admissions. I'm a lawyer working in Probate, fesshole twitter.

We are curious beings after all, and we wonder what hidden atrocities people may be getting away with. One particular Twitter thread has been snowballing in follower numbers after its initial introduction as a sordid little confessional hole. Sound intriguing? Scroll below for a titillating read on all and sundry. More info: Twitter Facebook. Image source: fesshole.

Fesshole twitter


I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer, fesshole twitter. I'm a year-old male City lawyer from a working-class background.


We have more newsletters. It is one of the quirky break-out hits of the Twitter age - a social media account where people can anonymously confess their sins, be they outrageous and huge or minor and hilarious. Read next: Lewis Capaldi announces intimate Bristol gig - full details. The confessions can be about anything and everything - from worrying posts about disgusting domestic habits, infidelity of bad behaviour on nights out, to more wholesome confessions about mildly naughty behaviour from childhood. Converting a Twitter account into a live show might seem odd, but Rob dresses like a priest and says it goes down well.

Fesshole twitter

Rob Manuel , 48, from north-east London , runs the Fesshole online account , which gives people the chance to tell their best anecdotes — but under complete anonymity. The father-of-three said he is the first generation of internet influencers — and has been running comedy projects online for over 20 years. A lot of them have been crowd-sourced by finding his own funding. But Fesshole has been the most successful of all his ventures, and now has more than , followers. Of course of the tales a day Rob is sent some of them might sound incredibly tall, but others have even the ones that name-drop the likes of Chris Packham and Annika Rice have been verified by the celebs. The naturist weighed in not between a wolf and a badger and confirmed this was indeed true. It really made me think. The father-of-three from Wolverhampton has been breaking a niche in the internet for 20 years, and started Fesshole in He said during lockdown the account really picked up, and when everyone was vexed at the Government it was the perfect pitching stage.

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Hugely popular Twitter account allows members of the public to confess all anonymously They say confession is good for the soul. I'm a lawyer working in Probate. Like deMilked on Facebook. I'm a lawyer now. Dec 7 am. I am an idiot. I always take the train, and at least once a week get asked for rail information, and I always try to help. We caught a load of mackerel and on the way home he posted five fish through the letterbox of a small firm of solicitors muttering, "bloody lawyers". Looked her up, shes now a rich lawyer. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession. Barristers Social Media Solicitors Twitter.

By Chloe Morgan For Mailonline. A Twitter account which e ncourages people to share their anonymous confessions include those ranging from the hilarious to the completely outrageous. The bio of Fesshole , which was created by UK-based Rob Manuel, who is the creator of subversive meme design website B3ta, reads: 'Confess your sins anonymously - will the internet absolve you?

Critique of Adam Wagner's new lockdown tome splits opinion on social media. Related articles Other. I used to do admin for a firm of solicitors. Related Stories. Got wisdom to pour? I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer. When I was 12 my uncle took me fishing on a Friday night. I'm 39, married, I have 2 teenage children, a house, a cat, a car, oh and I am a barrister. We are curious beings after all, and we wonder what hidden atrocities people may be getting away with. Hugely popular Twitter account allows members of the public to confess all anonymously They say confession is good for the soul. I'm a year-old male City lawyer from a working-class background. Sound intriguing? I'm a partner in a firm of Solicitors and I'm

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