

I have to emphasise that this is Alpha, in the same sense that the LL version firestormviewer too, firestormviewer, firestormviewer. This is not release quality but the hope is that many of our users will be keen to test this new firestormviewer out and at the same time provide ourselves and, more importantly at this stage, Linden Lab, with valuable bug reports and user experience feedback.

Firestorm Viewer is a opensource program which connect us to 2 online games. One is Opensimulator and another is Second Life. Problems: - I don't know if Firestorm is a complete free program or it's like Google Chrome which has adobe flash included. Maybe Firestorm has some proprietary things inside of it. You recommend me to use it? Is this a good idea? Do you recommend me to do this?



August 23, Posted August 24,


The new update of Firestorm Viewer release 6. The first novelty is a marked improvement in graphics performance. In fact, immediately after installation, you may see a message warning you that your graphics settings have changed. However, this should not cause concern: your settings are modified by the viewer because Firestorm can now offer you better graphics performance with the same hardware. If, on the other hand, instead of seeing an increase in your FPS it seems to you that there is a decrease, in this case the reason could be in the VSync entry. By removing this tick, the FPS should therefore return to high. Helps to avoid screen tearing. The higher this number, the smoother the movie.


Firestorm is a free client for 3D virtual worlds such as Second Life and various OpenSim worlds where users can create, connect and chat with others from around the world. This repository contains the official source code for the Firestorm viewer. Firestorm is a third party viewer derived from the official Second Life client. The client codebase has been open source since and is available under the LGPL license. Pre-built versions of the viewer releases for Windows, Mac and Linux can be downloaded from the official website. Build instructions for each operating system can be found using the links below and in the official wiki.

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Beq Janus Posted August 22, Posted August 23, edited. Qie Niangao Posted August 23, Popular Posts Beq Janus August 24, There is a difference between functioning and giving a reasonable experience, and also to being supported. In reality, we won't know the facts about the adoption rate and thus the expected transition period until release. Beq Janus August 23, But it's not going to be a clean break. Once PBR is officially launched by LL, and once we release our first PBR viewer, then based on our normal practice there will be support provided for prior versions for 3 releases. Flea Yatsenko 7 posts.


Maybe someone will make a free version of this and will put it in the trisquel repo. Beq Janus Posted August 23, Henri Beauchamp Posted August 23, Looks like that opensimulator is c and. Now if you are building a sim or even a little parcel or skybox, some of the stuff won't have PBR and some will. But it's not going to be a clean break. The content creators who think PBR is a replacement for textures are going to be very disappointed. Apparently Second life contains some DRM too. Otherwise it's too slow for me, great for indoor settings that aren't too crowded or closeup photos. But I'm not holding my breath.

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