

At first, fluttercord, Discord, a mischievous prankster, was bent on turning all of Equestria into his own chaotic playground, fluttercord, but the Fluttercord 6 defeated him with the magic of friendship, turning him back into stone once again.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Princess mi amore cadenza has been experiencing crashing waves Fluttercord Human Discord X Flut Such like, the most shyest girl trapped in love with the most baddest boy We all have our favorite singers and bands.



He says, "I can't have you interfering in my relationship with Fluttershy anymore! I kinda have fluttercord little crush on Discord, fluttercord. Fluttershy counters that just because she invited somepony else doesn't mean that they aren't friends, making Discord realize that it's possible to fluttercord different friends for different reasons.


Exceptionnally Fluttercord is going to be a 2 weeks event! Be ready for a massive amount of Fluttercord content soon! Wednesday 19th January No matter the distance, Fluttershy and Discord will always love one another. Sometimes, even when a couple lives together it isn't easy either. Thursday 20th January Both Fluttershy and Discord have a way of finding danger, whether by accident or purpose.


At first, Discord, a mischievous prankster, was bent on turning all of Equestria into his own chaotic playground, but the Mane 6 defeated him with the magic of friendship, turning him back into stone once again. But then, fast forward to, "Keep Calm and Flutter On", when Princess Celestia has come with Discord in statue form to Ponyville, much to the Mane 6 and Spike's shock, and explains that if Discord improved his behavior, his powers would be toned down for good purposes. Princess Celestia is especially trustful in Fluttershy, who thinks her kindness could be effective to set Discord on his heel-face turn and get him to show his true good colors. Then Princess Celestia leaves the Elements of Harmony with the Mane 6 in case things go awry with Discord, they have to turn him back to stone again. Once they all release Discord from his stone prison, he immediately starts to cause disorder to his surroundings, disguising it with casual, "stretching". Then he reveals that he was consciously aware during his imprisonment, and laughs off the idea of being reformed, especially the ponies' faith in Fluttershy, considering that he's impervious to her, "Stare". But Twilight Sparkle makes clear the conditions of Discord's freedom: behave, or it's back into in stone. Then Discord relents to these conditions, and resigns himself to crashing at Fluttershy's cottage for the duration of his rehabilitation. Then Fluttershy believes the key to getting Discord to show his true colors, is to befriend him by being as kind as she can. But her friends have their doubts, and promise to remain close in case anything goes wrong.

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He says, "I can't have you interfering in my relationship with Fluttershy anymore! In other words, Discord wanted to give Fluttershy two gifts in one : the gift of a new animal friend and the gift of Fluttershy feeling like the pony who saved the day. The more he acts normal, the more he fades away since he is a creature of pure chaos, being normal destroys him. This is a book of duh! Any errors should be considered as another My little Fluttershy and Discord are having their usual Tuesday tea. In the My Little Pony mobile game, the profile of Future Fluttershy states: "It isn't ours to speculate on Fluttershy's future, but a life of caring critters and charming chaos seem likely. But the tender moment's ruined when Angel Bunny barges in and warns everypony that bewitched beavers have dammed up the stream at Sweet Apple Acres, and flooded Applejack's orchard to the canopy. You think I am just going to turn all this back because you say so? Twilight Sparkle is overwhelmed and stressed out trying to get everything done. So, at the night of the Gala, Discord arrives with the Smooze. The party goes about as well as Fluttershy's friends expect, however, with Discord bringing the tableware to life and playing pranks on everypony.

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But the tender moment's ruined when Angel Bunny barges in and warns everypony that bewitched beavers have dammed up the stream at Sweet Apple Acres, and flooded Applejack's orchard to the canopy. As her first act, she proceeds to forgive Discord and welcomes him back — something Discord is happy with. Discord apologizes to Tree Hugger for his irrational jealousy and also to the Smooze for ignoring it all night. The winterzilla attacks the castle where the rest of the Mane Six returns to. This doesn't sit well with Discord at all. Image at top. Show more Loading Then they decide to make a back-up plan but unfortunately, they can't make a back-up plan since Discord torn out and eaten all the pages in Twilight's books containing information on spells that could reform him forcibly. Fluttershy and Discord are having their usual Tuesday tea. What would it be? Therefore, she starts to act chaotically herself, which help Discord to recorporealize. Then he reveals that he was consciously aware during his imprisonment, and laughs off the idea of being reformed, especially the ponies' faith in Fluttershy, considering that he's impervious to her, "Stare". As Fluttershy and Angel were arguing due to the fact that Angel kept interrupting Fluttershy from her duties, Zecora made a potion in order to help them through it.

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