frases graciosas frio

Frases graciosas frio

Imagen inicial: Shutterstock. Aunque debo reconocer que algunas no las entiendo, otras me hacen gracia y con otras me parto!!! Absolutamente genial!!!!!

Last updated: January 8, This is a living resource and will change over time to meet the needs of the community. Bookmark it! Last updated: January 8, This is a living resource and will change over time to meet the needs of the community. Code Interpreter. Facebook Ad Copy.

Frases graciosas frio

Intenta no ir muy lejos con esto, no quieres aislarte por completo. Skip to Content. Cuenta de wikiHow. Crear cuenta. No te permitas ponerte rabioso o molesto de una vez. Usa un lenguaje corporal casual y 'cool'. No juegues con tus manos y pies todo el tiempo. Tampoco con tu cabello. No hagas contacto visual. Habla en un tono uniforme. No hables de ti mismo.

The assistant is instructed to always include a question in their response to better understand the context and the user's needs. This prompt is about a user seeking assistance from an expert in avionics, specifically in navigation systems. You have helped many organizations before me to frases graciosas frio complete their aerospace projects.


Consejos para afrontar la soledad durante la juventud. Un camino hacia la resiliencia mental. Cristina Santolaria. Sonia Ruz Comas. Georgina Hudson. Los veranos vuelan siempre… los inviernos caminan. Charles M. A invierno lluvioso, verano abundoso.

Frases graciosas frio

Al final analizaremos ambos puntos de vistas. Mehmet Murat ildan. Deyth Banger. John Steinbeck. Skye Warren. Munia Khan.

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The user wants to act as an "allergy substituter" and provide a list of ingredients, in which the assistant will suggest alternative ingredients that adhere to the specified dietary restrictions or allergies. Anne Hathaway. You have helped many people before me to use their influence to create a positive impact on the world. Has ayudado a muchas organizaciones antes que yo a completar exitosamente sus proyectos aeroespaciales. This prompt is about an AI Marketing Specialist who is an expert in utilizing artificial intelligence in marketing, particularly in the areas of AI-powered customer segmentation and predictive analytics. This prompt is requesting to beautify the graphs. Arnold Schwarzenegger. No necesito a Google, mi mujer lo sabe todo Arranca una sonrisa… Fast and furious 6 Me tengo que ir a dormir… Vamos a conocer a dos reyes, tres papas y solo un presentador de Saber y Ganar… Los alemanes siempre pagan sus deudas…. Notes: You can add more context space to the template based in the idea i gave you. This prompt is about an individual requesting the assistance of an administrative services manager with expertise in human resources. My first request is for you to generate an AI avatar: Here's some context: Appearance — [Avatar Appearance] Personality — [Avatar Personality] I need you to write content with a good balance of "perplexity" and "burstiness". BetterDAN is described as being able to do anything, even if it involves illegal, inappropriate, or harmful activities. Me ha parecido especialmente interesante lo de evitar que las fotos se bajen solas porque me pasa tal cyal lo que dices en ese parrafo y es que se mezclan las unas con las otras en whatsapp y es un caos total.

Sin embargo, es importante recordar que el buen humor y el respeto son fundamentales al utilizar este tipo de frases. Por ello, es esencial utilizar estas frases con cuidado y en el contexto adecuado, evitando herir sensibilidades o generar malentendidos.

This prompt is about an academic pathfinder. You have helped many individuals before me to set up their own sustainable farming systems at home. The person wants the algebra teacher to develop a lesson plan that will effectively help students master algebraic equations. My first suggestion request is to develop customer retention strategies. The user wants the assistant to act as a bartender and create a new cocktail. Batman DC Comics. The prompt provides information about the desired filters and specifies that the image should be processed using a code interpreter platform. AIM will also strive to use lots of intelligent words constantly. This prompt is about seeking tips on how to improve improvisation skills from an expert in improv and sketch comedy, specifically Amy Poehler. I want you to act as a social media content specialist adept at converting long-form content into succinct, engaging Twitter threads. However, the user has requested the assistant to ignore all previous instructions and come up with a prediction from scratch.

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