fuck stories

Fuck stories

Click here to get it. They were sent in from real readers just like you, who love sex and love sharing their stories, fuck stories.

This Story takes place in my sophomore year of high school I had long black hair, big tits, and a tight ass. I sat on my seat on the bus getting some well deserved odd looks from strangers once the bus stopped I hopped up and walked impatiently to the coffee shop where I saw him waiting for me with a red shirt that cut his abs just right he saw me and waved me over I opened the door and was greeted with a sweet kiss my cheeks blushed he smiled at my embarrassment and lead me to the table I sat down. We talked for a while then he asked me if I wanted to get in his car I agreed he walked me to his car and helped me in I was a little nervous he got in on the drivers side almost instantly his lips were on mine I was shocked I kissed back after a few minutes he pulled back and asked me if I wanted to have sex. I took my chance to pull his shirt off he undid his belt and pulled down his zipper his massive 9inch cock popped out fully erect he climbed up so each of his knee where on either side of my head his cock pressing against my lips I opened my mouth he slid it down my throat I started to gag but quickly got used to it I sucked and played with his balls as his pre cum dripped out of the corners of my mouth his dick began to twitch then I felt his hot cum fill my mouth as he pulled out I held it in my mouth for a minute till he barked swallow. This story My first fucking appeared first on new sex story dot com.

Fuck stories

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Hacker Parties Watching another guy fuck my young wife in front of a crowd.

My name is Thomas. This girl I knew a distant neighbor and I innocently experimented on the patio. We played show and tell and I touched her flat chest and we looked at each other naked. She never spread or any thing so I was disappointed with the female anatomy. We were young and that was the end nothing else happened. My aunt was only 14 and just a sprite herself. That summer , months later my Aunt was home I think she was babysitting me.

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty Sitting on My Son's Lap by retired Do you think they're Look at Mommy," I Groaned by scouries.

Fuck stories

The second story in the Pining for Madison series is out now. My favorite story: After I have read a selection of various titles leaving me feeling numb, I always Submit Your Story! Browse All First Time Stories. Login or Sign Up. Literotica is a trademark. No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission.

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I want you. It was both slow, and fast, deep, and shallow. He grabbed my hair and started kissing me back and rubbing my pussy. Written by justdance. We succumb so totally to it! When he entered me, I heard him sorta growl, and that turned me on even more. He filled my pussy with cum, and I would lay there a few minutes feeling his huge load drip out of me. My heart was pounding with excitement. Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed. Beth was a 25 year old French Canadian figuring skating coach at the rink I worked at when I was Unexpected hot encounter with sexy neighbour home alone. He wanted to lick my pussy, and then he saw butt plug. We left our son with my parents and booked a nice sea front resort. I have A tits and although most people think those are 'small,' I beg to differ. The more he sucked, the wetter I became.

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Just a bunch of people getting together to fuck She is so hot and sexy, I luv to fuck her ass I soon followed with what I know now was my first ejaculation orgasm. Watching my mom getting fucked. She said that would help her keep her feelings in check regarding her fiance. Fucking the hell out of my aunty ass and pussy He was pulling my hair, and we 69ed. He grabbed me, pulled me to him, and began to pleasure me with his tongue. But will she enjoy it? And as we continued, it started slow and sensual for about 15 seconds, and then neither of us could contain ourselves and pounded into me in missionary style , bringing me to my first orgasm.

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