funny animal pictures dogs

Funny animal pictures dogs

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Now recovered, he has just discovered water for the first time. His capers and pirouettes show his passion for water. Love at first sight. Sometimes she jumps up and holds the door — maybe she is desperate to go out. Blowing a raspberry? Actually, he's just cleaning his ears!

Funny animal pictures dogs

The annual Comedy Pet Photography Awards highlight amusing pictures of pets and their hilarious antics. The winning photos will be decided by a panel of judges and announced on August 11, and fans can vote online for their favorite snapshot to win the People's Choice Award. Here are the 25 finalists in this year's contest. Photo captions have been condensed and edited for clarity. Max is the playful one," Zoghzoghi wrote in a description of his photo. I had more fun taking photos of these two than during my most adventurous wildlife photography trips. As you can see, the lady with her hand on her head was as surprised as me. I have searched in vain to find the owner so that I can send her a copy. I am hoping this Pet Comedy competition can help me find the mystery woman and her leaping dog. You never know! Fortunately, Misty was pretty terrible at hide-and-seek.

Gliding frog look like laughing on moss, Flying frog laughing, animal closeup, Gliding frog Rhacophorus reinwardtii sitting on moss, Indonesian tree frog. Giraffe, elephant, crab, rabbit, fox.


Boy and Dog in Toy Racing Car. Dog working comfortably from home. Big ears, upside down. Traveling Boy and his Dog. Man driving car with papier-mache shark on roof.

Funny animal pictures dogs

Big ears, upside down. Dog working comfortably from home. Boy and Dog in Toy Racing Car.

Notti bop

Funny cats - Self picture. Zebra smile and teeth. Two funny cats look in wide eyed astonishment. Actually, he's just cleaning his ears! Max is the playful one," Zoghzoghi wrote in a description of his photo. Chimpanzee relaxing on a branch. Please someone tell me how to use it," Morinaga captioned the photo. Young setter puppy laying on dog bed in living room. Funny bird. Notable finalists include surprised-looking cats, playful dogs, and ticklish horses. Small and lovely ground squirrel on a meadow among flowers during warm spring sunset.


Facebook Email icon An envelope. In "Boom Boom," Kenichi Morinaga photographed two cats butting heads. Notable finalists include rambunctious dogs, sassy cats, and adventurous ferrets. Chimpanzee relaxing on a branch. Thanks for signing up! They both look like they could use a good haircut, but it was Covid, so who cares! Big bundle of funny domestic and wild animals, marine mammals, reptiles, birds and fish. Read next. Peter Cech's pets appeared to melt into a cuddle puddle in "Pillow. Fun cute upside down portrait of giraffe on white. Horse with a sense of humor. Funny Animals royalty-free images 5,, funny animals stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free for download. Email Twitter icon A stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting.

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