funny pictures of man utd

Funny pictures of man utd

Welcome to the funniest Manchester United football jokes part of this website. Without any further introduction, here are some of the best FC Man United jokes. Man United Jokes.

This article is just a response to "the Liverpool jokes" article that was put up. Here are 10 of my favourite Manchester United jokes, especially for all my Mancunian comrades. A: They had pictures of Manchester United Players on them A: One in 3,, has a chance of becoming a human being. A: They're both of bugger-all use in Europe.

Funny pictures of man utd

CartoonStock uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. By using this site, you accept our use of cookies, as detailed in our Privacy Policy. Coupon will be applied to your cart. Offer is limited to one cartoon per customer and does not include web and publication licenses. Licensing Gifts Blog. Contact Pricing Cart 0. Favorites 0 Cart Log In Menu. Manchester United cartoons and comics football footballers footballer soccer man u football player man utd man united manchester alex ferguson. Manchester United Cartoon 1 Save. Manchester United Cartoon 2 Save. Manchester United Cartoon 3 Save. Manchester United Cartoon 4 Save. Manchester United Cartoon 5 Save.

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Welcome to the funniest Manchester United football jokes part of this website. Without any further introduction, here are some of the best FC Man United jokes. Man United Jokes. Which three league teams have swear words in their names? Jokes About Manchester United One afternoon an elderly man turned up at the offices of a large Manchester company. I've come to ask if he can have the afternoon off so I can take him to the match. What's the similarity between Manchester United and a 3-pin plug? They're both useless in Europe. What's the difference between a hedgehog and the Man U team bus? The Man U bus has more pricks!

Funny pictures of man utd

Andre Onana is an embattled man facing a difficult start to life as Manchester United goalkeeper and is under heavy scrutiny, particularly for his ball saving. Onana replaced David de Gea as United's first-choice goalkeeper after the Spaniard was allowed to leave the club upon the expiration of his contract last summer. The Cameroonian comes in with a reputation as a ball-playing goalkeeper, a trait de Gea lacked, which made him a target of heavy criticism last season. But six games in, Onana has conceded 14 goals and has become an internet sensation, with fans making memes of his disastrous moments. The funny thing about X memes is that you never know where it comes from, but it becomes widespread.

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Manchester United Cartoon 21 Save. Joseph's church, about two miles down the road," replied the priest. Q: Did you hear that the Post Office just recalled their latest stamps? Manchester United Jokes There is a old Liverpool fan who is dying so he calls his Liverpool friends and asks them to do one last thing for him. Please spread the word. Manchester United Cartoon 10 Save. Suddenly the driver saw a Manchester United fan walking down the road and instinctively swerved to hit him. A: They had pictures of Manchester United Players on them Licensing Gifts Blog. Manchester United Cartoon 18 Save. A week before I died I gave 10 pounds to the Albanian orphans. Close Help.


Manchester United Cartoon 16 Save. He looks the bloke in the eye and says, "I've had a word with God and he agrees with me. Seven, one to change it, five to moan about it and Ferguson to say if the ref had done his job in the first place the light bulb would have never gone out! Close Help. The Arsenal fan hurled himself off the mountain, shouting "This is for the Gunners! Manchester United Cartoon 19 Save. Manchester United Jokes Q. Click on the link to read more. Manchester United Cartoon 5 Save. The bucket. But, just in time, he remembered the bloody priest, so at the last minute he swerved back to the road, narrowly missing the man. What do you call a pregnant Man United fan?

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