futurama characters pictures

Futurama characters pictures

This article lists the many characters of Futuramaan American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening and developed by Groening and David X. Cohen for the Fox Broadcasting Company.

List of the best Futurama characters, with pictures and character bios when available. With so many funny Futurama characters, it's tough to say who the greatest really is without everybody weighing in on the discussion. Vote for your favorite Futurama characters and help make this list the ultimate source for who the best characters of the show are. Futurama character roles from every season are included, along with the names of the actors who play them. Bender and Fry are a great starting point for your to rank your favorites on this list you can click each image for a larger picture of the character, and in some cases you can click the character's name for a more detailed description.

Futurama characters pictures

Bender is the lovable robot scamp who works with sewer mutant Turanga Leela and man-out-of-time Phillp J. Fry at Planet Express. A young man accidentally cryogenically frozen and revived around the year a. His assumed date of birth since he was supposedly years old was noted as April 9, , but later his birthday was revealed to be on April 9, An intern at Planet Express. She is mainly kept around because she has the same blood type as the Professor. The Janitor for Planet express. Refers to himself in the third person. Not very active. Alien newscaster in the future.

Bigger and possibly even Better! The former vice-president voiced by himself appears as a head in futurama characters pictures jar during most of his appearances and also appears with his body during scenes involving Fry's time period. Cohen, Al Gore and Matt Groening

Welcome to the world of tomorrow! After being canceled twice before, Futurama will return with new episodes on July 24th on Hulu. In addition to the Planet Express crew, the trailer confirmed the return of fan favorites like Calculon , Roberto and Morbo. Click right here to get the best of Cracked sent to your inbox. Having run intermittently over the past 24 years — and with a scope that covers all of time and space — Futurama is a show with hundreds of funny and memorable characters.

Of all the glories that gave our televisions, it took one of our favorites away: Futurama. After seven seasons — with a bit of a, um, hiatus in the middle — the bitingly funny animated series ended its run in September. We're still dealing, but now we at least have this fantastic memento: a single image containing almost every character in Matt Groening's 30th century show. Like the Simpsons full cast poster before it, the image, posted on deviantArt by user Unrellius, has usual suspects like Fry and Bender, but also Humplings and various heads in jars. And indeed it does -- one eagle-eyed commenter even said they spotted Waldo. It's not a replacement for the joy brought by Futurama itself, but it's a pretty good salve.

Futurama characters pictures

His name says it all. Hedonismbot is a robot programmed to pursue pleasure above all else Never without his grapes, wine and valet Djambi, Hedonismbot lives a life we mere humans can only dream of. Unlike other robots in Futurama , Hedonismbot doesn't appear to be programmed to service anyone but himself. He revels in decadence and apologizes for nothing! What we love most about him though, is his infinite willingness to strike a deal especially when it's by way of carnival wheel. Whether it's trading in his musically-trained hands for Fry's or taking away the first-born son of Bender in exchange for the Armies of Hell, The Robot Devil is nothing if not a reasonable bionic tyrant. We love them for their overbearing portrayal of stereotypical Asian parents. They are constantly badgering Amy to find a decent man to father grandchildren with.

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This has led to a few cosmetic differences, as well as Fry and Leela being married. As a stereotypical Southern lawyer, this folksy bird frequently represents the Planet Express crew during their legal troubles. He is an alien originally from what he describes as a "backwoods asteroid. Calculon subsequently becomes outraged at Bender and resigns from the league, relinquishing the presidency to Bender. Vogel voiced by David Herman who takes care of the orphans and keeps all records; he is apparently a bureaucrat grade who has not been promoted since about the time Leela was born. This leads him to go on destructive rampages across Earth every Christmas using Christmas-themed weapons, such as grenades shaped like Christmas ornaments, bicycle guns, and T. The Femputer is revealed to be a fembot operating the giant computer facade from a small control room. He rules Robot Hell with an iron fist, all while always keeping an ear out for anyone looking to sell their soul or be judged for the final time. Ned Farnsworth. Episode 2. His noise is made by a synthesizer. May 22, Additionally, his tumultuous relationship with Amy provides a touching subplot that showcases his vulnerability, contrasting sharply with his stoic exterior. He is sometimes seen with a lightsaber -like nightstick. July 22,

Can you list the top facts and stats about List of Futurama characters? This article lists the many characters of Futurama , an American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening and developed by Groening and David X.

The crew rescues the professor using Cubert's and thus the Professor's DNA to gain entry, and Cubert announces that he will continue the professor's science after all. The A. This robotic mob boss runs the underworld of New New York, employing various shady characters — including Clamps, Joey Mousepad, and Bender — in his criminal enterprise. Mom has a romantic history with Hubert J. An endearing and lovable delivery boy from the 20th century who's accidentally cryogenically frozen, he wakes up a thousand years in the future and consistently struggles to adapt to life in the year Not very active. He is an alien originally from what he describes as a "backwoods asteroid. When the show receives poor reviews where it was claimed that some people were taken to the hospital as well as a news report stating that Calculon's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was replaced with another one for Robert Wagner , Calculon determines that maybe he should not be acting and should have remained in hell. Technically Lars is just Fry, albeit from a different timeline where a house fire left him bald, goateed and honey-voiced. As with all Nibblonians, Nibbler's feces consist of dark matter , which can be used as starship fuel. When Nine became grand curator is unknown, but the audio commentary track for Into the Wild Green Yonder hints that he was in the Legion prior to the year McWhiskers" toy, prompting them to break up. In " All the Presidents' Heads ", it is revealed the water they are kept in when drunk can send a person back to the year when they were the most famous.

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