game of thrones fanfiction porn

Game of thrones fanfiction porn

This is a story I wrote game of thrones fanfiction porn time ago in my free time, and thought "fuck it, let others enjoy it" and posted it on Hentai Foundry. I found out some dope posted it on Fanfic without letting me know so I reported him, and his account and stories got taken down. Didn't sit right that people couldn't enjoy some of these delicious ideas I put on paper screen?

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Game of thrones fanfiction porn

The new robert baratheon will start raising his new wife, having sex with her in front of Jaime Lannister the protagonist is a sex patient, so he can share his wives and make any fetish, in a way, he'll have NTR, and a lot of Netori. Will he team up with people to survive.. Or will he try to survive alone through this hell. Jaylen Williams is a fifteen-year-old sophomore who has just begun his journey of exorcising spirits. With the help of Spirit Essence, a spiritual energy bestowed to only a few, he has the power to combat against the threat of spirits and only spirits- or so he thought. After he was caught using the power without supervision, he was put under surveillance by the Spirit Slayers, a squadron of powerful individuals who can harness Spirit Essence. Now he is forced against his will to join them and must prove he is worthy of living in a world of spirits alongside them. A girl reincarnates into a Grass but in the World of Gensokyo, God's? Once again don't expect too much, because I might slam your expectations and you hate me for it. Fate brings together two people that form an undying bond. The bond of love vanquished evil and saved the kingdom.

And the dozens of chapters after that…and repeat XD As I said, I have plenty of story arcs planned on my outlines even if most of my chapters are on the short side at first, though the average length will increase somewhat as the plotline progresses. You just have to figure out what that is.

And, of course, they offer lots of inventive, carefully labeled smut. If you assume that all fanfic is of the Harry-and-Draco-get-it-on-on-the-Quiddit ch-field sort, you might be surprised or disappointed. Still, sometimes Margaery and Sansa make out; sometimes Theon and Robb get really, really close. Not that you have to read the sexy stuff. I searched Tumblr tags, skimmed LiveJournal communities, and searched fanfiction.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. When you play the Game of Thrones, you fuck, or you get fucked. This fiction was made without pay, compensation, or profit, all for the perverse enjoyment of my constant readers. It was one of the longer three-man Rangings that Will has been on in his time in the Night's Watch, after being shipped off to the wall for poaching instead of letting them chop off his hand. They've gone nine days north of the wall, after a group of wildings a previous ranging caught wind of two weeks ago. Sent ahead of his know-it-all ranging commander, Ser Waymar Royce, Will was just returning from scouting.

Game of thrones fanfiction porn

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You will plays as Devinn who you can lead down many paths. The Art of Deceptions and Omissions In George R. Still, sometimes Margaery and Sansa make out; sometimes Theon and Robb get really, really close. And she had better hips and legs and ass, and whilst her breasts weren't as big as the other females in her family they were still firm and beautiful. A Thorny Request However, the poor can not control the economy of the world because they don't have the adequate resources to actually control the economy of the world and so they can only accept whatever the economy gives to them. Your email address will not be published. Say what you will, but that shows serious dedication. Confirm Password. Main Content While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Add me to the daily newsletter. So when Joffrey opened the door to the privy, Lyonel waited there and shoved a knife into his neck before leaving as quickly as he got there. One of them anyway.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In.

Lyonel looked on in satisfaction as her entire body shook from the aftershock of her climaxes, and she soon fell unconscious. Confessions and Self-realization She'd taken a crush to Lyonel, and he knew he was going to fuck her some day. Long story short, from now on you have absolute control over every member in your family tree, past, present, and future. But still, they were good people, and their influence was not all. Arya had smaller breast, though firm, but she too took after her mother. For example, if you wish yourself to be twice as strong as before, that wouldn't work but if, for example, you wished to get physically stronger every time you drank the cum from the orgasming pussy of one of your sisters, cousins, or aunts, then that would do the trick. Fellowship of Burdens And the dozens of chapters after that…and repeat XD As I said, I have plenty of story arcs planned on my outlines even if most of my chapters are on the short side at first, though the average length will increase somewhat as the plotline progresses. The best of the Stark women's trinity had to be Lady Catelyn. Your IP address will be recorded. Shock and Awe Your reply will be screened Your IP address will be recorded. His arms were entirely frozen into blue unresponsive ice, and deathly blue color was spreading over the entirety of his body.

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