garchomp sm

Garchomp sm

It is the sum of all the stats except Attack or Special Attack based on whichever is less likely to be used, garchomp sm.

Moon The protuberances on its head serve as sensors. It can even detect distant prey. Ultra Sun It flies at the speed of sound while searching for prey, and it has midair battles with Salamence as the two compete for food. Sun Excess energy melted its arms and wings, transforming them into giant scythes. Moon Its vaunted wings become scythes, sending it mad with rage. It swings its scythes wildly and slices the ground to pieces. Ultra Sun Its arms and wings melted into something like scythes.

Garchomp sm


Mad with rage, it rampages on and on.


It evolves from Gabite starting at level It is the final form of Gible. It has red on its underbelly from the lower jaw to the middle of the abdomen, including the undersides of its arms. A patch of gold comes to a point below the red on its belly, and a golden star shape adorns the tip of its snout. Garchomp has horn-like appendages that resemble a jet or plane 's engines, giving it an appearance similar to a hammerhead shark. These horns allow it to sense its prey from a long distance. Its large mouth features razor-sharp teeth. The feet have three white talons, and each arm has a single large, white claw for a hand.

Garchomp sm

Moon The protuberances on its head serve as sensors. It can even detect distant prey. Ultra Sun It flies at the speed of sound while searching for prey, and it has midair battles with Salamence as the two compete for food. Sun Excess energy melted its arms and wings, transforming them into giant scythes. Moon Its vaunted wings become scythes, sending it mad with rage.

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The user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm. TM40 Aerial Ace 60 -- 20 -- The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. Hohou's Home. This full-power attack grows more powerful the more the user likes its Trainer. It swings its scythes wildly and slices the ground to pieces. It is primarily designed to take down the opponent's team with brute physical power. TM65 Shadow Claw 70 15 -- The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. The user hurls mud in the target's face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy. TM45 Attract -- 15 -- If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack. Critical hits land more easily. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.


Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. TM87 Swagger -- 85 15 -- The user enrages and confuses the target. Mad with rage, it rampages on and on. The power varies, depending on the original move. The user attacks the target with a song. The user tackles the target while exhibiting overwhelming menace. The user attacks everything around it by swamping its surroundings with a giant wave. If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack. The user gathers dark energy using its Z-Power and sucks the target into it. The protuberances on its head serve as sensors.

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