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It had a population of , at the census. The city is home to the University of Oxford , the oldest university in the English-speaking world ; [6] it has buildings in every style of English architecture since late Anglo-Saxon. Oxford's industries include motor manufacturing, education, publishing, information technology and science. The history of Oxford in England dates back to its original settlement in the Saxon period. Originally of strategic significance due to its controlling location on the upper reaches of the River Thames at its junction with the River Cherwell , the town grew in national importance during the early Norman period , and in the late 12th century became home to the fledgling University of Oxford.

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The economy of London is dominated by service industries , particularly financial services and associated professional services , which have strong links with the economy in other parts of the United Kingdom UK and internationally. London is the most populous region, urban zone and metropolitan area in the United Kingdom. Many of these are small and medium-sized enterprises. London shifted to a mostly service-based economy earlier than other European cities, particularly following the Second World War. A number of factors contribute to London's success as a service industry and business centre:. Another half a million employees resident in Greater London work in manufacturing and construction, almost equally divided between the two. One way to get an idea of their relative importance is to look at relative amounts of office space: Greater London had 26,, m 2 of office space in A useful guide to the distribution of wealth across London is the cost of renting office space.

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