general commander reparto

General commander reparto

GRS operative Jake Alexander and his team of young recruits go after the most dangerous and notorious criminals with the help of a Hong Kong billionaire. Jake Alexander : You make another fucking move or blink poki.con wrong way, I will kill you, I will kill your fucking mother, I will kill your fucking dog. Sign In Sign In, general commander reparto. New Customer?

Comandante General. Ross W. Philippe Martinez. Byron Gibson Tom Benton. Mica Javier Maria Lopez. Erdenetuya Batsukh Tuya Alexander.

General commander reparto

Steven Seagal Jake Alexander. Ron Smoorenburg Hayes' Henchman. Sonia Couling Sonia Dekker. Soraya Torrens Anna Rosen. Megan Brown Jessica Thompson. Mica Javier Maria Lopez. Erdenetuya Batsukh Tuya Alexander. Jai Day Ben Harrison. Francis Mata Arturo. Erlinda Villalobos Myra Lopez. Evgeniya Akhremenko Katarina Sokolov. Byron Gibson Tom Benton. Edoardo Costa Gino Orsetti.

Aris Alcantara Boom Operator. Santiago Larrauri Casting Director. Comandante General.

While in Bangkok, Tom secures a meeting with Orsetti by posing as an interested buyer in the organs he offers for sale. Meanwhile, CIA Agent Alec Hayes Robert Rownd unsuccessfully dispatches a hitman to assassinate Alexander and thus prevent his team from carrying on with their illegal mission. After their layover in Thailand, the team moves to Manila, where Sonia and Tom meet with Orsetti, while the rest stake out. Halfway into the sale, Sonia and Tom strike at Orsetti and a shootout ensues, followed by a car chase. Orsetti's car is overturned, and Tom shoots down a helicopter piloted by one of Orsetti's henchmen with a bazooka. Alexander kills a struggling Orsetti.

GRS operative Jake Alexander and his team of young recruits go after the most dangerous and notorious criminals with the help of a Hong Kong billionaire. Jake Alexander : You make another fucking move or blink the wrong way, I will kill you, I will kill your fucking mother, I will kill your fucking dog. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. General Commander R 1h 25m. Play trailer Action Drama Thriller. Directors Philippe Martinez Ross W. Lisa Gabriel Philippe Martinez.

General commander reparto

Sign In. Edit General Commander Directed by Philippe Martinez Ross W. Jake Alexander Sonia Couling Sonia Dekker Byron Gibson Tom Benton Mica Javier Maria Lopez Soraya Torrens

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Edgardo Tomboc Boom Operator. Arvin De Asis Boom Operator. General Commander Stacey Michelon Sergio. Elmer Mulleno Assistant Location Manager. Edit page. Gilbert Morales Digital Imaging Technician. Download as PDF Printable version. Lou Veloso Roy Lopez. General Commander was originally envisaged and marketed as a television series following "a top-secret, rogue international paramilitary unit that fights major criminal organisations in a bid to stop World War III", based on a screenplay by Philipe Martinez and Bey Logan and produced by SPI International and Saradan Media. Lisa Gabriel Writer. Mica Javier Maria Lopez. Quotes Jake Alexander : You make another fucking move or blink the wrong way, I will kill you, I will kill your fucking mother, I will kill your fucking dog.

Steven Seagal Jake Alexander.

Roy Arcega Location Manager. Jorge Manansala Assistant Camera. Evgeniya Akhremenko Katarina Sokolov. Article Talk. Dario Gardini Restaurant Owner. Nilo Odiaman Still Photographer. Edgardo Tomboc Boom Operator. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Digital TV Europe. Don Gordon Bell Charlie. Runtime 1 hour 25 minutes. Rob Rownd Alec Hayes.

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