Gerbera raspberry pi

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Before post, I wrote to you about how I tried to install Gerbera on a Raspberry pi. First, I recommend updating and upgrading your raspberry pi. You can do this by using the following commands:. After you enter this command you will probably be asking if you want to continue. Just press y and then enter. Once that has finished installing it is time for the next step. This can be done by using this command:.

Gerbera raspberry pi


BRB All reactions. So I guess I will use this doc to build better deps All reactions.


Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Already on GitHub? Sign in to your account. Which failed as I do not even have the add-apt-repository binary. So I installed that stuff with sudo apt-get install software-properties-common. I take it that there is no 'compliant' ARM build for my system.

Gerbera raspberry pi

Gerbera is a feature-rich and powerful UPnP Universal Plug and Play media server with a pleasant and intuitive web user interface, which allows users to stream digital media videos, images, audio etc.. On Ubuntu distribution, there is a PPA created and maintained by Stephen Czetty , from which you can install Gerbera using following commands. Then update your system package sources cache and install gerbera with the following commands. Once you have installed gerbera , start, enable and view the service status using the following commands. Note : If gerbera fails to start on your system, you need to do one of the following. Gerbera service listens on port , which you can use to access the web UI via a web browser as shown. If you get the error shown in the above screenshot, you need to enable the web UI from the gerbera configuration file.

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I take it that there is no 'compliant' ARM build for my system. Before post, I wrote to you about how I tried to install Gerbera on a Raspberry pi. Thanks, I will try to build it. Ok, I managed to install it from backports: apt-get -t jessie-backports install libswresample-dev All reactions. Pretty much, for Raspberry Pi Zero, people need to install the same stuff as for FreeBSD sudo apt-get install wget git autoconf automake libtool cmake gcc ffmpeg pkgconf. Rebuilt, and ran gerbera, now I can logging. To do so, I reverted the changes I previously made on install-pupnp Also I tested gerbera: I report that all is good! Now I am trying to find my way through. Gotta investigate this too now I will replace this adapter with another one that I read on the interwebs can be faster. So now I can go back to the cmake command. Install Samba on Raspberry PI. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. I was just reading through this issue because I'm interested in compiling gerbera on a regular Raspberry Pi 2 and RPi 3 both running Raspbian Stretch.

The JavaScript integration has be overhauled to simplify the process of providing additional layout scripts. If you created copies and modified that code to you purpose, you may have to update your code to the new interfaces for import functions. In case you activate the new JavaScript folder loading mechanism by setting the respective config options, ensure that no older scripts are still in the script folders.

To do this you can run the following commands:. A question rose from the beginning: as what user should I run the server? Which failed as I do not even have the add-apt-repository binary. Hello markusrpi - I am a bit stuck, as it looks like the debug statements are relatively normal looking. As for the packages not being there RedKage thanks for sticking with it. Have a question about this project? So I managed to install pupnp with LFS. You beat me to the post Install Samba on Raspberry PI. The script finishes although I have no idea what I just disabled.

1 thoughts on “Gerbera raspberry pi

  1. I can not participate now in discussion - there is no free time. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think.

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