Germanyum faydaları

Genel :. Germanyum tabiatta tuz halinde bulunan bir mikromineraldir. Temel olup olmamasi tartisilmaktadir. Faydalari :.

Winkler, 'da yeni elementi izole edebildi ve onu antimona benzer buldu. İki germanyum oksidi bilinmektedir: germanyum dioksit GeO 2 ve germanyum monoksit, GeO. Wikimedia Commons. Minerals İngilizce. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry.

Germanyum faydaları


Chemical Communications 18 :


From the Latin word Germania , Germany. Mendeleev predicted the existence of Germanium in as ekasilicon, and the element was discovered by Winkler in The element is commercially obtained from the dust from smelters that process zinc ores. It is also recovered from combustion by-products of certain coals. Germanium can be separated from other metals by fractional distillation of its volatile tetrachloride.

Germanyum faydaları

Germanium, categorized as a metalloid in group 14, the carbon family, has five naturally occurring isotopes. Germanium, abundant in the Earth's crust, has been said to improve the immune system of cancer patients. It is also used in transistors, but its most important use is in fiber-optic systems and infrared optics.

Omni salon zion

Germanyum, civa ve kadmiyumun toksik etkilerine karsi koyar. International Journal of Polymeric Materials. Astrophysical Journal. Soriano; Steven H. III-Vs Review. Faydalari :. Temel olup olmamasi tartisilmaktadir. Bulunus Sekilleri :. Spirogermanium : Azaspirane sinifindan bir bilesiktir. Grup , periyot , blok. Chemistry of the Elements 2. Binetruy, B Ed. Germanium - Citrate - Lactate : Sanumgerman ticari adiyla bilinir. Periyodik tablo.

Winkler, 'da yeni elementi izole edebildi ve onu antimona benzer buldu.

ISSN Stanford Research Institute. Germanyum yaslanma prosesinin ilerlemesinde bazi durumlari geciktirir. Germanyum parkinson hastaligi semptomlarini hafifletir. Tamamlayici olarak kullanilmaz. International Journal of Polymeric Materials. Germanyum, civa ve kadmiyumun toksik etkilerine karsi koyar. June Chemistry World. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Germanyum dioksit : GeO2. Germanyum, glutathione peroxidase i aktive eder. Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man.

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