godfather of harlem imdb

Godfather of harlem imdb

Bumpy and Chin enlist Morgenthau's help to prevent Colombo and Battle from bringing in a shipment of heroin, guns, and cocaine. Stella must choose between Colombo and her father. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Bumpy blackmails the mob in an effort to secure safety for himself and his family; President John F. Kennedy is assasinated; Teddy performs at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Godfather of Harlem.

Godfather of harlem imdb

Bumpy Johnson returns from Alcatraz to reunite with his family and reclaim his Harlem territory from Italian mob boss Vincent Gigante; he finds an unlikely ally in his old friend Malcolm X. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Godfather of Harlem. Crime Drama. Director John Ridley. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director John Ridley. Photos 8.

Justin Bartha Robert Morgenthau.

Striking back at the Italians, Bumpy exploits Chin's dark past; Mayme and Elise put aside their differences and Bumpy sees his wife and children reunited before his war explodes. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Godfather of Harlem.

A gangster named Bumpy Johnson makes his way in Harlem during the s. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer

Godfather of harlem imdb

For more information, visit the contribution bible. Loosely based on infamous crime boss Bumpy Johnson, who in the early s returned from ten years in prison to find the neighborhood he once ruled in shambles. With the streets controlled by the Italian mob, Bumpy attempts to regain his piece of Harlem. View More. Season Three finds Bumpy Johnson continuing to battle for control of Harlem, with other aspirants to the throne, namely the Cuban Mafia from neighboring Spanish Harlem.

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Can someone. Create account. Goofs When Bumpy is being chauffeured home from prison, there is a title that says Harlem New York and an aerial shot from behind his car that shows the entire street. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. See production info at IMDbPro. Top cast Edit. Kathrine Narducci Olympia Gigante. What is the Spanish language plot outline for Homeland or Death ? Director Joe Chappelle. Crime Drama. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. What is the Spanish language plot outline for Alzado ?

By Alan Sepinwall. The caliber of the cast — and the fact that so many of them are actors of color, when most of this territory in cable and streaming is still covered by white men — distinguishes the material to a degree. But Forest Whitaker is a striking, dangerous presence no matter how familiar the material.

Joanne Kelly Amy Vanderbilt. User reviews 1 Review. Women in Science Fiction. See the gallery. Storyline Edit. See the list. Read all Realizing a consistent source of heroin is vital to reclaim Harlem, Bumpy engages in a fevered search to find a dope supply independent of the Italians. Women in Science Fiction. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Malcolm X fights off attacks on his character and his life. Top credits Director Joe Chappelle. Details Edit.

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