godfather wrestling

Godfather wrestling

Pimpin' ain't easy! Click here godfather wrestling see him as Papa Shango. Wright was working as a bartender, godfather wrestling, when during the filming of Over the Topsome wrestlers who appeared in the film noted about his size and suggested he should go into wrestling. The success he had there led him to tour with New Japan Pro-Wrestling in

Charles Wright May 16, is an American businessman and retired professional wrestler. After leaving the wrestling business he moved to Las Vegas, where he currently manages the strip club Cheetah's. Wright first entered professional wrestling after being noticed tending bar by wrestlers during the filming of the movie Over the Top. The wrestlers involved gave him the advice that, with his large body type and unique tattooed look, he should try seeking out Larry Sharpe and his Monster Factory to get into the business. Eventually Wright parlayed his training into a job with Jerry Lawler in the United States Wrestling Association USWA with the gimmick the wrestlers from the bar had given him and took the name The Soultaker , taken from one of the tattoos on his arm.

Godfather wrestling

Charles Wright born May 16, , better known under his ring name The Godfather , is an American retired professional wrestler. He is best known for his tenure with the World Wrestling Federation throughout the s and early s, and underwent several gimmick changes; the most notable were Papa Shango , Kama , Kama Mustafa , The Godfather and The Goodfather. Wright first entered professional wrestling after being noticed tending to a bar by wrestlers during the filming of the movie Over the Top. The wrestlers involved gave him the advice that, with his large body type and unique tattooed look, he should try seeking out Larry Sharpe and his Monster Factory to get into the business. The character was hardly used and never developed, and even when talking about it later Wright only remembers wearing robes he purchased from another wrestler to the ring. In January , he was repackaged as a heel by the name of "Papa Shango", a horror-themed voodoo practitioner with an appearance reminiscent of the loa , Baron Samedi , as depicted in the film Live and Let Die. The Shango character debuted on the February 8, , edition of Superstars , defeating enhancement talent Dale Wolfe. The finish was supposed to be Sid getting disqualified because of Shango breaking up the pinfall attempt by Hogan after he hit the big leg drop. Because Shango was late, Sid kicked out of the legdrop to save the angle. Sid's manager, Harvey Wippleman then jumped on the apron, and the referee signaled for the disqualification at that point as Shango was just getting to the ring. After WrestleMania, Sid and the Warrior were scheduled to begin a feud. Sid had previously failed a drug test and was let go by the WWF. The feud was then re-written with Shango instead of Sid, where he would cast voodoo spells on his opponent. Meanwhile, Shango defeated Tito Santana in a dark match at the event. Fin Martin of professional wrestling magazine Power Slam , in a article, wrote: "Shango and his curses were a total embarrassment.

Mustafa became godfather wrestling known as The Godfather of the Nation, a moniker which would eventually become his official ring name in Pro Wrestling Explore.


Charles Wright is best known for making his mark during WWE 's Attitude Era during the late s and early s, striking gold with The Godfather character. Evolving many times throughout his WWE career, including a run as Papa Shango during the early s , being dubbed The Godfather helped him find his calling, as he established himself among the most beloved characters of s wrestling. With that said, regarding the controversial nature that surrounds The Godfather persona, some may be wondering how the birth of such an usual character in WWE came about. Perhaps his most known gimmick besides The Godfather is that of Papa Shango, which was memorable although generally considered a failure. Papa Shango was a sight to see, as there were moments where fans could derive some entertainment, though not always in a good way. However, it's obvious a gimmick like that wasn't going to succeed in the long run. Even during a time when over-the-top cartoon characters could sell to a specific generation of fans, Papa Shango wasn't going to work. Even as the s progressed, the fans' interest changed to wanting edgier content on their television, let alone professional wrestling. WWE had no choice but to drop the Papa Shango character and find something else for Charles Wright regarding his creative direction.

Godfather wrestling

Charles Wright May 16, is an American businessman and retired professional wrestler. After leaving the wrestling business he moved to Las Vegas, where he currently manages the strip club Cheetah's. Wright first entered professional wrestling after being noticed tending bar by wrestlers during the filming of the movie Over the Top. The wrestlers involved gave him the advice that, with his large body type and unique tattooed look, he should try seeking out Larry Sharpe and his Monster Factory to get into the business. Eventually Wright parlayed his training into a job with Jerry Lawler in the United States Wrestling Association USWA with the gimmick the wrestlers from the bar had given him and took the name The Soultaker , taken from one of the tattoos on his arm. He wrestled briefly at house shows as Sir Charles, a play on both his real name and the nickname of National Basketball Association player Charles Barkley. The character was hardly used and wasn't able to be developed, and even when talking about it later Wright only remembers wearing robes he purchased from another wrestler to the ring. In January , he was repackaged as Papa Shango , a voodoo practitioner with an appearance reminiscent of the Loa Baron Samedi. The character debuted on the February 8, edition of Superstars, defeating enhancement talent Dale Wolfe. The character carried a skull to the ring billowing smoke and could control arena lights, allowing for strange goings on in the ring, and later could "cast spells" to cause opponents pain and to make them vomit from afar.

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WWE Raw. The Nation lasted until around September and officially disbanded in October when Mark Henry attacked the nations leader The Rock. Retrieved November 15, However, due to Shango getting to the ring late, Sid was forced to kick out of the leg drop to save face. The success he had there led him to tour with New Japan Pro-Wrestling in Archived from the original on July 19, Wright was released from the WWE in December and retired from wrestling, returning to Las Vegas to manage Cheetah's, a gentleman's club. Archived from the original on January 27, Hart reported that WWF executive Pat Patterson did not like the gimmick and was responsible for its termination. Shango would linger around the mid-card before leaving in to a return at the USWA and a brief stint at Catch Wrestling Association. The finish was supposed to be Sid getting disqualified because of Shango breaking up the pinfall attempt by Hogan after he hit the big leg drop. In real life, Charles Wright despises pimps and whenever he worked security at the strip club he now runs, he'd let the clientele know that if there were any pimps among them and they didn't leave, he'd personally knock them out. Vendetta Pro Wrestling. Eventually Wright parlayed his training into a job with Jerry Lawler in the United States Wrestling Association USWA with the gimmick the wrestlers from the bar had given him and took the name The Soultaker , taken from one of the tattoos on his arm. Shortly after the brand split , he was sent to SmackDown!

Fightful has been reporting all the latest breaking news from the wrestling world since Ads have played a big part in being able to keep our content free for all to enjoy.

The finish was supposed to be Sid getting disqualified because of Shango breaking up the pinfall attempt by Hogan after he hit the big leg drop. Las Vegas, NV. Internet Wrestling Database. WWE SmackDown. Canadian Online Explorer. Retrieved April 25, Archived from the original on January 1, April 23, It lasted around four months, but never caught on in the way the original did. He has two previous marriages. Retrieved August 19, The Godfather would instead lose the title to Hart's tag team partner Jeff Jarrett a week later. February 22,

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