greg hardy

Greg hardy

Born: July 28in Millington, TN. Question, Comment, greg hardy, Feedback, or Correction? Subscribe to our Free Email Newsletter. Do you have a sports website?

Tapology Privacy Policy. Belmehdi vs. Serrano vs. Kholmatov vs. Ibrahim Dauev. ONE Fight Night Billing: Main Card.

Greg hardy

Gregory McKarl Hardy [1] born July 28, is a former American football defensive end , professional mixed martial artist , and professional boxer who played in the National Football League NFL for six seasons, primarily with the Carolina Panthers. Hardy's most successful season was in when he set the Panthers' single-season record for sacks, earning him Pro Bowl and second-team All-Pro honors. During the following off-season, however, Hardy was found guilty of assaulting a former girlfriend. After the conclusion of his football career, Hardy became a mixed martial artist. He was signed to the Ultimate Fighting Championship UFC from to , where he competed in the heavyweight division. Hardy attended Briarcrest Christian School in Eads, Tennessee , where he was a three-sport letterman in football , basketball and track. In football, he helped lead his team to the state championship in As a senior, he was credited with 65 tackles , including 12 for loss and six sacks , while also receiving 48 passes for yards. In sprints, he ran the meter dash in In the shot put, he got a top-throw of

July 16, Retrieved December 3, April 7,


When and why did you start training for fighting? I started in November of for the love of competition and to be the best. Do you have any heroes? My mother What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? It means everything to me. Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? What was your job before you started fighting? NFL football player Specific accomplishments in pro competition?

Greg hardy

Gregory McKarl Hardy [1] born July 28, is a former American football defensive end , professional mixed martial artist , and professional boxer who played in the National Football League NFL for six seasons, primarily with the Carolina Panthers. Hardy's most successful season was in when he set the Panthers' single-season record for sacks, earning him Pro Bowl and second-team All-Pro honors. During the following off-season, however, Hardy was found guilty of assaulting a former girlfriend. After the conclusion of his football career, Hardy became a mixed martial artist. He was signed to the Ultimate Fighting Championship UFC from to , where he competed in the heavyweight division. Hardy attended Briarcrest Christian School in Eads, Tennessee , where he was a three-sport letterman in football , basketball and track. In football, he helped lead his team to the state championship in As a senior, he was credited with 65 tackles , including 12 for loss and six sacks , while also receiving 48 passes for yards. In sprints, he ran the meter dash in In the shot put, he got a top-throw of

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That's the goal for this year, 50 sacks, that's where I'm at. Ayideng Jumayi. Supremacy Fighting Championship NZ. Career Player Split Finder. Eurosport in Dutch. Trades Trade data since CBS Sports. American mixed martial artist and American football player born Retrieved September 14, Stanford Robert McClain. Greg Hardy weighed lbs kg when playing.

His first three years in the Octagon have been a series of peaks and valleys; the kinds of ups and downs that most neophytes would experience if thrust onto the biggest stage in the sport with only a couple years of training and three-ultra quick knockout wins under their belt before crossing over into the UFC cage for the first time.

Retrieved March 12, Alexander Volkov. In the shot put, he got a top-throw of Put your football knowledge to the test with our daily football trivia game. Is Greg Hardy in the Hall of Fame? On June 11, , Hardy spoke to reporters during a summer minicamp claiming his goal for sacks in the season to be ONE Warrior Series 3. Hall of Fame Monitor. How tall is Greg Hardy? As a senior, he appeared in 9 out of 13 games including the Cotton Bowl Classic , after missing the final three regular-season contests because of a surgery on his fractured left wrist. February 16, November 4, Retrieved September 4, What are Greg Hardy's nicknames? July 16,

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