Greg oden nude

Opening statement:. It was very embarrassing. It was something that happened over a year-and-a-half ago.

Staff Members. Future Draft Picks. NBA Draft History. Salary Cap. Post 1 » by The Notic » Tue Jan 26, pm. Post 2 » by Superchunk » Tue Jan 26, pm.

Greg oden nude

Users browsing this forum: Google [Bot] and 0 guests. Advanced search. Greg Oden Naked? WTF Like real basketball, as well as basketball video games? Re: Greg Oden Naked? WTF by Patr1ck on Fri Jan 29, am A new low on the Blazers beat came when an unidentified and unfamiliar female media member asked Oden if he might be happy that the pictures came out because "everyone was impressed. WTF by Sauru on Sun Jan 31, pm "so what if i am the next sam bowie i got a huge dick so fuck you all". WTF by Patr1ck on Sun Jan 31, pm Sauru wrote: "so what if i am the next sam bowie i got a huge dick so fuck you all". WTF by bowdown on Mon Feb 01, pm a little off topic but apparently Greg Oden is in a class with all of my friends at Portland State University, but not with me. It's a fad, and it's catching on! Why do they have to show their nude bodies?

He should apologize, it's obscene! He missed his rookie season after have microfracture surgery on his right knee. It was for her.

A friend told the year-old Tuesday morning that the pictures were making the rounds on the internet. Oden is out for this season after fracturing his left kneecap during a game against the Houston Rockets on Dec. He averaged The 7-foot-center was the No. He missed his rookie season after have microfracture surgery on his right knee.

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Greg oden nude

We know we're way late to the party on this, but can we just reiterate how it is that Blazers center Greg Oden not only had a nude picture leaked on the Internet, but that he had a press conference to address it? Seriously, you can read a full transcript here. We know it's a fairly serious situation in some regards, but if you imagine all the questions being asked by either Beavis or Butthead, it becomes a full-on comedic romp. What were the circumstances of the pictures? Were they from a private relationship? It was a lady friend who I was having a relationship with. It was for her. It was definitely meant to keep private. In 20 years covering Minnesota sports at the Star Tribune, he has seen just about everything. Home All Sections.

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But for me, I just have to focus on my rehab and getting back. Post 6 » by DeRaptor » Tue Jan 26, pm. Post 17 » by RC06 » Tue Jan 26, pm. So I just feel you have to be careful with what you do and who you trust and who you think things are private with. Fan0Bynum17 wrote:. What would possess someone, anyone, let alone an NBA player to do that? Back to top Roger O. WTF by Sauru on Sun Jan 31, pm "so what if i am the next sam bowie i got a huge dick so fuck you all". Especially with things like that going on. Board index All times are UTC. Where are you in your rehab? But Greg should know better. Post 16 » by The Notic » Tue Jan 26, pm. When asked for comment, Blazer fans insisted that even though Kevin Durant's penis is bigger, stronger and thicker, they still would have chosen Oden's penis in

There, I said it. Not "thing" or "junk" or "stuff" or any other ridiculous euphemism we use to describe this particular area of the anatomy, as if it weren't part of the human body.

It was taken and sent over a year-and-a-half ago. Joe Freeman. Andrew wrote: He who flops and flails to the Finals and a title, flops and flails best. Cowboys trample Dolphins to set early NRL pace. He averaged How difficult was this in comparison? Post 14 » by The Notic » Tue Jan 26, pm. You think this was the best course of action, coming out with a statement, apologizing, etc. Do you still have a relationship with the person the pictures were intended for? You definitely just have to grow from it and learn from it and get through these type of situations. It was very embarrassing. Associated Press. Were they from a private relationship? You do a lot of community service and work with kids, what would you say to kids who hear about this? Beyond being embarrassed, can you describe how you're feeling right now?

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