Habersal canlı yayın
I was willing to be a hero in the palm of your hand, As an imaginary toy but on your right side.
Habersal canlı yayın
Rough, tough and hard to bluff. Life is a unique experience, Whatever we suppose to get from it.
A Haber. A Haber Ne Zaman Kuruldu? A Haber Sahibi Kim? A Haber Frekans Bilgileri Nelerdir? Saygilarimla Allah yardimciniz olsun. Ferhat Gunaydin Ekan ben bunlara bol mehter marsi dinletceksin ver Mehteri hollandadan selamlar. Fikriye Birde bunu duyurun sesimi kimseye duyuramiyorum A haber Atv eurupada kisitli secimden sonra kisitladilar zor geliyor yayin ve hemen kapaniyor lutfen ilgililere duyurun bakamiyorus secimlerden sonra. Metin Yahu bu milyarin karsiliginda milleti kimin kucagina atcaklarmis bir sorarmisiniz bu mantiksizlara.
Habersal canlı yayın
Flash Haber. Flash TV Sahibi Kim? Musa albayrak Neden tattooing emri ile yapiliyor herturlu cezalar ey tatting efendi seninde suclarin cok neden sana ceza verilmiyor mmillete zillet Kadina surtuk dahacok sozlerin var hirsiz vatan hainigibi hele kilctarogluna attigin yalanlar pkklile sahte resimler esas sensin vatan haini unutma otobuslerin uterine pikklilarla megri megri diye halal certain dolmabahcede toplantilar ysptin adamlarini gonderdin pkknin ayaklarina ve butun pkkli arableri turkiyeye soktun senincezan cok agir olmali sakin hickimsye vatan haini deme esas seninsin vatan ve millet haini. Mustafa Muzeyyen hanim agzina saglik tesekkur ediyorum. Yasaninda yasasi oldugunu soyluyorsunuz o da tamam diyelim. O zaman ben bir vatandas olarak yeni bir anayasa yapalim deniliyor,o zaman sorum su siz CHP olarak bazi siyasi gruplarla beraber neden karsi cikiyorsunuz. Mustafa Eger flash-TV ve Can Atakli Flash TV koklu bir kanal oldugunuzu soyluyorsunuz,yazik kim oldugunuz bana gore belli degil kokunuzde gercekten curuk. Birde Can Atakli diye birisi konusuyor inanin sizler muhalefetten daha kotusunuz bir utanma sikilma olur buneya.
Naan-ya-business menu
A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. Cocked, locked and ready-to-rock. Ilter - Ankara Ilter - Montreal I party hearty and lunch time is crunch time. Ilter - Ankara Ilter - Montreal Normal or Abnormal! I took a short position on the long bond and my revenue stream has its own cash-flow. I like tough love. We, as human, desire some tolerance, And need a break or breath little bit. We can be normal sometimes as a coincidence, But, 'being abnormal always' is a myth.
Out of rehab and in denial! A fully-equipped, factory-authorized, hospital-tested, clinically-proven, scientifically- formulated medical miracle. I like tough love. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! Life is a unique experience, Whatever we suppose to get from it. I was willing to be a hero in the palm of your hand, As an imaginary toy but on your right side. I've got no urge to binge and purge. Exit to the New Year I want to say "Happy new year to all" without any delay, I hope everything will be superb for you next year with your family, husband or wife. Tomorrow, it will be flawless for you, A magnificent azure with a new beginning. Some people have already chosen their way by the second, they are wandering with a scream. Ilter - Ankara My output is down, but my income is up. No matter what you say about the existence, Your heart will be the actual truth as a gift. You will salute the audience just before leaving with applauds, This is one of your alternatives to exit, Or you will feel your shame just before leaving with insults, Is the second one that you can choose, as a puppet.
Very good idea