hae lee crime scene photos

Hae lee crime scene photos

A few more police photos were published by Serial. There is a small amount of overlap, shown in the Undisclosed table. Please also see our privacy policies. The photos linked below are jpegs, which are generally easier to use, hae lee crime scene photos, but sometimes additional details are visible on the original files which were supplied as pdfs if you look very closely.

The real-life mystery show about a murder has become a smash hit -- for a podcast, anyway -- and cultivated a strong community of fans. Seriously, don't doubt the loyalty of the "Serial" fan base. They've produced an active subreddit , combed the Best Buy that features prominently in the show for clues and come up with elaborate conspiracy theories. The state's case rested primarily on the testimony of one man, known in the podcast only as Jay, whose story changes noticeably over the course of his several taped interviews with detectives. According to Jay, Adnan strangled Hae in a minute window of time between leaving school at p. Adnan has always maintained his innocence, but it didn't matter to the jury: He was convicted of murder at age Below are maps and photos we've rounded up from around the Internet.

Hae lee crime scene photos

To recap, Dr. She testified to these same facts at trial:. CG: So that, that would tell you that the body was face down when the livor was fixed. Korell: Right. CG: Would it not? Korell: Yes. CG: Okay. Because that would mean the blood would pool on the front of the body. Korell: Correct. If the body were buried on its right side sometime during the pm hour, this would preclude the anterior lividity described by Dr. First, was Dr. Korell correct about the anterior lividity? The autopsy photographs were in black and white, which is far from ideal, but multiple forensic pathologists were able to conclude, after reviewing the photographs and autopsy report together, that Dr.

Leakin Park, parking place close view and woods, View from S to N. It appears in this case, the pattern did not repeat across the width of the body, but rather is isolated to the shoulder areas only.


Physical evidence was collected first from the crime scene in Leakin Park where Hae Min Lee was found, her clothing, and later from inside her car. Blood and hair samples from both Adnan Syed and Jay Wilds as well as various bodily samples taken from Hae during the autopsy. Most of the written evidence here comes from the Police Department files. But what happened to the evidence next? All the test requests and most of the results are included on this page and highlighted in bold. Some test results were not present in the MPIA response from the Police, mostly this happens when the the tests were mentioned during trial.

Hae lee crime scene photos

Skip navigation! March 18, , AM. For an audio series with absolutely no visuals, the first season of the podcast Serial certainly spawned a great interest in maps and floor plans. As listeners turned into detectives, trying to solve the question of whether Adnan Syed killed ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee, they joined host Sarah Koenig and her producers in focusing in on the scene of the crime and its aftermath. But Serial listeners might not remember everything about the case, which first gained popularity in

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The fact that he was foggy about events suggests that he had no reason to think repeatedly about what he did on that day ie: suggests he did not expect to be questioned and had no sense of fear or guilt and that he did not feel a need to make up an alibi. To prove it, they photographed two electrical plates and a mismatched patch of carpet inside the front of the store. You have every right to your theories and opinions. Cars in lot behind Edgewood. We still have very little idea of the extent of lividity on her upper legs, which should have had at least some lividity somewhere. If this is the case though, I think there would have been pressure marks on the face too, where it would have touched the floor. So whatever Dr. It appears in this case, the pattern did not repeat across the width of the body, but rather is isolated to the shoulder areas only. Because it was just a normal day and normal days blend together. This girl you just started seeing goes AWOL—he knew she had issues with her mom, so he may have thought she really had just exited the scene to clear her head. Of course. Rodriguez said, or if they are merely the result of a mistaken transcription by either Wash or Murphy in their various iterations of the report. It is not from a bra.

The real-life mystery show about a murder has become a smash hit -- for a podcast, anyway -- and cultivated a strong community of fans. Seriously, don't doubt the loyalty of the "Serial" fan base.

So far with everything that I have read and mostly what Susan, Rabia, Colin and Bob have come up with… Adnan had a pretty normal day. Any of what they put forward? He is also going to keep thinking of what else it might be. They are not ad hominem attacks. This means that, if Hae was killed shortly after leaving school, the burial could not have taken place before approximately 10pm. Seeing those diamond shaped pressure marks on the shoulders makes me even more convinced of my theory that the body was left in the front passenger seat of the car for the 12 hours needed to achieve fixed lividity in a position in which the buttocks and legs were up on the seat and the head, shoulders, arms and torso were pushed downwards over the edge of the front seat towards the floor with the face and shoulders actually touching the floor. For all we know someone did put that pager into their own account. According to the podcast, the park has a local reputation as a dumping ground for bodies. The state alleged that Adnan, after committing the murder, called Jay from a pay phone at Best Buy. The diamond shape impressions made me think of something that was a part of a car or vehicle. A previous lividity post mentions that there was less pooling in her legs. What about a pyramid stud pattern? Interesting how his story was concocted. Best Podcasts See Gallery. Trunk with contents, center.

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