Halo orbital drop shock trooper

As humanity is forced to reckon with the extraterrestrial theocratic hegemony that is the Covenantevery single element of the military has been mobilized in an effort to combat this grave threat, from the enlisted Marine to the halo orbital drop shock trooper Spartan super soldier. Known for their daring missions in which they are dropped from orbit onto the battlefield, halo orbital drop shock trooper, ODSTs are some of the most iconic soldiers humanity has to offer. While their screen time is rather short in the grand scheme of the whole series, their presence casts a large and recognizable shadow. Here are some things even hardcore fans may not have known about the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers of the Halo franchise.

United Earth Government. United Nations Space Command. Their method of infiltration by orbital insertion allows them to conduct missions against targets that other conventional forces cannot approach while remaining undetected. Shock troops consist of infantry formations and their supporting units, and are intended to spearhead an attack into enemy territory. Although the term "Shock Troops" became popular in the 20th century, the term is rarely used explicitly, as the strategic concepts behind it have become standardized in contemporary military thinking. The idea of inserting highly trained troops behind enemy lines from high altitude atmosphere has its roots in the paratroopers of 20th and 21st century fame, who dropped frequently behind enemy lines to capture strategically important targets in anticipation for a link-up with an advance by more conventional and more numerous military forces.

Halo orbital drop shock trooper

While the concept of dropping human soldiers from orbit had been around since the mid 21st century, the first iterations of the ODST weren't established until At the conclusion of the Rainforest Wars and the Jovian Moons campaign , the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers were a fully established force and participated in every high risk operation during those conflicts. However, the conclusion of these conflicts in , along with the signing of the Callisto Treaty and the subsequent years that followed, the ODSTs saw little action as more political, and more important issues such as overpopulation and famine and a massive military with no purpose gripped the postwar nations of Earth. In the years leading up to , the ODSTs would once again conduct high risk operations against the Insurrectionists, to either stop the enemy before they could carry out attacks against supporters and officials of the Earth Government or to cut off major suppliers to the Insurrectionists. On November 1, , the UNSC moved into a full alert status after the devastating and horrifying first contact with the Covenant at Harvest ; this marked a change in objectives for the ODSTs, who up until that point had been fighting the Insurrectionists. As humanity's military turned to meet the threat of the Covenant, divisions of ODSTs prepared to participate in the most critical engagements in the war and also to conduct the riskiest missions in the history of mankind. In , ODST's were dropped onto Circinius IV to assist in the defense of the planet, but all were lost over the course of the battle. Having successfully kept Covenant forces from occupying the city, the Corps began launching multiple assaults on the Covenant's bases of operations to reclaim the planet. Following the enactment of the Cole Protocol in , ODST combat teams were tasked with boarding commercial and private vessels and purging their navigation databases. The numerous campaigns and operations in which the ODSTs participated throughout the long war all pale in comparison to the Fall of Reach in , during which countless ODSTs lost their lives defending strategic locations on the planet. Throughout the course of the battle, the UNSC formed joint forces to combat against the overwhelming Covenant forces. As the planet fell to the Covenant onslaught, the vessel made a blind Slipspace jump away from the Epsilon Eridani system , discovering the long-abandoned Installation Before the teams could reach the target, however, the carrier jumped into slipspace. Only Alpha-Nine managed to safely land in the city to carryout the retrieval of the Superintendent 's data. Overall, the defense of Earth was one of the largest campaigns the ODSTs fought in during the entire war.

Contrary to the popular belief that ODSTs are simply highly trained regular humans, they're actually given some minor bodily augmentations that allow them to operate more effectively.

Iris Video Transcripts. If you have any questions relating to this page, please email us. The Flood Gravemind. Rampant Speculation Marathon Connections Poems. Though not part of Naval Special Warfare Commmand, the ODST's have established a notorious reputation among the military, namely that of a brutal, efficient and highly well-equipped rapid deployment force.

While the concept of dropping human soldiers from orbit had been around since the mid 21st century, the first iterations of the ODST weren't established until At the conclusion of the Rainforest Wars and the Jovian Moons campaign , the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers were a fully established force and participated in every high risk operation during those conflicts. However, the conclusion of these conflicts in , along with the signing of the Callisto Treaty and the subsequent years that followed, the ODSTs saw little action as more political, and more important issues such as overpopulation and famine and a massive military with no purpose gripped the postwar nations of Earth. In the years leading up to , the ODSTs would once again conduct high risk operations against the Insurrectionists, to either stop the enemy before they could carry out attacks against supporters and officials of the Earth Government or to cut off major suppliers to the Insurrectionists. On November 1, , the UNSC moved into a full alert status after the devastating and horrifying first contact with the Covenant at Harvest ; this marked a change in objectives for the ODSTs, who up until that point had been fighting the Insurrectionists. As humanity's military turned to meet the threat of the Covenant, divisions of ODSTs prepared to participate in the most critical engagements in the war and also to conduct the riskiest missions in the history of mankind. In , ODST's were dropped onto Circinius IV to assist in the defense of the planet, but all were lost over the course of the battle.

Halo orbital drop shock trooper

Two standard variants of ODST armor. December [1]. Unified Earth Government [2]. Rapid reaction force [4]. At least four divisions [5]. Helljumpers [4].


Keep your writing skills honed and submit something new every week! They are available in a few missions of the Campaign but are only available as the final upgrade for the Marine unit in Skirmish Mode if the player chose Captain Cutter as their hero unit. Vote for a new article to take the spotlight each month here! Many Troopers felt that the SPARTANs were not even worthy of being called Human , due to their extreme biological modifications, and the super-soldiers were very frequently referred to as "freaks" by those of Major Antonio Silva's persuasion, to the dismay of John and his cohorts. The United Nations created the first iterations of the ODST deployment concept in ; [1] these early incarnations were occasionally referred to as Drop Jet Platoons. Although the term "Shock Troops" became popular in the 20th century, the term is rarely used explicitly, as the strategic concepts behind it have become standardized in contemporary military thinking. Further developments were made to the ODST program during the late s, but since progress looked shaky, HighCommand prompted the development of the Cyclops Powered Exoskeleton Corps as replacements for the Shock Troopers. Orbital Drop Shock Troopers receive months of intense training, outside the training they had originally received from their previous line of duty. Following the three weeks of physical training , the next portion of ODST training is squad tactics, in which teamwork is a priority. Bravo and numerous Marines were killed in the clash, while Bravo was injured along with some of the other surviving Marines.

Iris Video Transcripts.

If the ODST drop lands near enemy infantry, they will be stunned temporarily and take damage. Iris Video Transcripts. Overall, the defense of Earth was one of the largest campaigns the ODSTs fought in during the entire war. Candidates are then ordered to reach the peak of the mountain; the drill instructor accompanies them. If you have any questions relating to this page, please email us. Although the term "Shock Troops" became popular in the 20th century, the term is rarely used explicitly, as the strategic concepts behind it have become standardized in contemporary military thinking. The Cole Protocol Envoy Only Alpha-Nine managed to safely land in the city to carryout the retrieval of the Superintendent 's data. There are no age or gender restrictions as long as the candidate meets the physical and mental requirements they are guaranteed the opportunity to try out for the ODST. Hartley were tasked with calculating the crash site of John on Earth, while a Marine battalion was tasked with defending a narrow corridor between Covenant and UNSC forces in Pakistan. Though ODST units are not embedded within conventional UNSC forces, they do participate in joint operations and tend to be force multipliers, increasing the effectiveness, willingness, and morale of those they fight alongside.

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