haruto boys planet

Haruto boys planet

However, the group aims to haruto boys planet active in both the Korean and Japanese markets. The four trainees all hail from Japan and won the hearts of the public with their Korean skills, adorable charms, and steady growth as a part of 'Boys Planet's G Group. Anthonny, Haruto, Yuto, and Takuto ended 'Boys Planet' in 32nd, 22nd, 90th, and 27th place, respectively.

Out of thousands of applicants, 98 contestants from various backgrounds were selected for the show. In the finale on April 20, , which was broadcast live, the show announced the final nine members who would debut as Zerobaseone abbreviated as ZB1. The show serves as a sequel to Girls Planet , this time featuring all male contestants. Boys Planet used a space theme: the two groups of contestants, K -Group and G -Group, acted as "planets" and the show's hosts were dubbed "Star Masters". Under the guidance of seven "Masters", contestants had to go through several rounds of evaluation, during which they had to show off their skills in singing, dancing, and rapping. After each round, the audience, known as "Star Creators", voted for their favorite trainees, determining the final debut line-up. While its predecessor, Girls Planet , limited applications to South Korea , Japan , China , and Taiwan , the regions were expanded this season to allow for international participation.

Haruto boys planet


Jay, Kim Tae-rae, and Park Gun-wook are announced as potential candidates for 9th place, with Jay ultimately securing the spot. Trainees ranked 12th to 27th are announced first before the Top 11 are revealed, starting from flamelurker bottom. Archived from the original on March haruto boys planet,


The show is presented by Minhyun. It premiered on February 2, Official Accounts: Website: service. Show more Bak Do Ha fun facts…. Go for it!

Haruto boys planet

However, the group aims to be active in both the Korean and Japanese markets. The four trainees all hail from Japan and won the hearts of the public with their Korean skills, adorable charms, and steady growth as a part of 'Boys Planet's G Group. Anthonny, Haruto, Yuto, and Takuto ended 'Boys Planet' in 32nd, 22nd, 90th, and 27th place, respectively. Log in to comment. I'm glad Haruto is debuting, he's so talented.


Retrieved December 13, I Heize Eric Nam. Archived from the original on March 27, The rest of the mentors, also dubbed as "masters", were: [34] [35] [36] [37]. All of the trainees are shown practicing for the song they got voted into by the audience but only the ones that remain after the second elimination will get to perform them. Billboard Japan. Transcriptions Revised Romanization Boiseu Peullaenit. Archived from the original on July 19, Archived from the original on October 25, Star Masters were usually experienced celebrities, who could give advice to and guide the trainees. Lee Hoe-taek. NR denotes that the show did not rank in the top 10 daily programs on that date. Archived from the original on June 6, Other contestants. Star News in Korean.


Kim Gyu-vin. Hankooki in Korean. The show serves as a sequel to Girls Planet , this time featuring all male contestants. At the end of the performances, it is revealed that K-Group won the battle, and will therefore receive the 10, points benefit for the first ranking announcement. Retrieved November 7, Retrieved April 21, Retrieved April 9, — via Naver. Star Creators voted for one contestant regardless of his group. Contestants are urged to include a creative element in their performances, might it be changing parts of the choreography or writing new lyrics themselves. Retrieved May 4, There is more info on Phabricator and on MediaWiki. Retrieved February 25, Lastly, Han Yu-jin is announced as the final member. October 25,

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