Hearthstone warrior decks
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Home » Standard Decks » Warrior. Submit your Deck. Category: Warrior. Renathal Reno Warrior 22 Legend Score: Control Warrior 1 Legend — Furyhunterhs Score: Control Warrior 11 Legend Score:
Hearthstone warrior decks
Rock 'n' Roll Warrior Recent Posts. Odyn Warrior Legend Score:
Forgot your password? Here you can find our latest Warrior decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Murder at Castle Nathria. The Warrior class can be played aggressively, but successful Warrior decks tend to lean towards Control. Since the Warrior Hero Power is only useful for survival, building your deck to dominate in the late-game is the strongest strategy. Aggro Warrior decks can be successful due to the high damage output of their Weapons and Charge minions, but the Hero Power can be a handicap to this strategy.
Hearthstone warrior decks
Forgot your password? This guide contains detailed Strategy, Mulligan, and deck-building information to help you play Control Warrior in The Classic Hearthstone game mode. Control Warrior is the ultimate control deck when it comes to slowing down the game and stopping opponents in their tracks. The deck is packed full of removal tools deck with any minions opponents may play, while also being able to gain huge amounts of Armor to negate any damage that may be taken. The deck often wins games simply by running opponents out of cards, but is capable of a small amount of burst damage if needed. This guide is presented to you by Kat , a professional Hearthstone player competing at the highest level since closed beta. She is a consistent legend player in both Wild and Standard with multiple high-rank finishes.
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Detonation Juggernaut. Steam Guardian. Blast Tortoise. Trial by Fire. Heroic Brawliseum Renathal Odyn Warrior — Shield Slam. December 26, Recommended Articles:. Rustrot Viper. Control Warrior 1 Legend — Furyhunterhs Score:
Forgot your password? This guide contains detailed Strategy, Mulligan, and deck-building information to help you play Pirate Warrior in the Ashes of Outland expansion meta.
Warrior Decks Control Warrior. Lor'themar Theron. My Collection and Click "New Deck". Renathal Odyn Warrior 92 Legend Score: Renathal Control Warrior 1 Legend — Badgamelol. Decimator Olgra. Our Channels. Renathal Odyn Warrior 1 Legend — Magician. Tidal Revenant. Support us on Ko-fi. February 11,
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