hijab drawing tumblr

Hijab drawing tumblr

Posting this on here cause i like it,, look at that,, i made that,, weoww,, me but tommy coolatta,, wowzers,, awesome, kinda looks a bit shit but thats fine because fun!! First time drawing a character with a hijab! When I was doing my hair journal series, I was asked to paint a woman with a Hijab and, at first, I thought "How am I going to have this work with the other 'flowing hair' hijab drawing tumblr I had been doing? But, then, hijab drawing tumblr, the idea of the cloth being like the hair came to me

Lily has her phone in her hand and is receiving a message from Duo the green owl. She looks at Zari, who touches her forearm and leans closer with a curious expression. Zari is a woman with medium skin wearing a pink hijab, black underscarf, blue shirt and pink pants. Lily has medium light skin and purple shoulder-length hair, purple shirt and light purple pants. In the top right corner is a small canon image of them. I made another game!

Hijab drawing tumblr

Sunny is wearing a blue cardigan, a yellow beret and a gray scarf. Muune is wearing a magenta hijab, a yellow kameez and a magenta urna. Sunny has his arm around Muune's shoulders and Muune is holding their right arm with their left hand. There is light, presumably sunlight, coming from the top left and shining down on them. Sunny is laughing and Muune is smiling. End I. I made another game! It's focusing on Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin, but with a bit of a modest twist. From left to right: A woman with medium skin wears a blue hijab and matching gown. A woman with medium skin and black hair in a long braid wears a layered teal outfit and gold accessories. A woman with light skin wears an orange dress, purple jacket, and purple open-fronted veil. Her black bangs are showing. The first Jasmine has light skin and wears a purple open-fronted veil on top of a purple outfit, a thick gold necklace, and black flats.

It's such a confidence booster.


Drawing a hijab can be a beautiful representation of Muslim culture and style. Whether you are an artist looking to add diversity to your artwork or someone interested in learning more about hijabs, this step-by-step guide will teach you how to draw a hijab with ease. In this article, we will cover the materials you need, as well as provide clear instructions on how to draw a hijab. Start by drawing a rough outline of the face. Keep it simple but proportional. You can draw a circle for the head and add vertical and horizontal guidelines to help you align the facial features. Using light pencil strokes, sketch the overall shape of the hijab.

Hijab drawing tumblr

As a Muslim writer, there are two tropes I told myself I would never write. The first is the voyeur perspective on hijab. The second is the hyper-aggressive archetype of Muslim men. This article will talk about the former, but it will briefly mention the latter. The reason being that these two tropes often overlap and lean on each other. It is also a practice of following the rules of modesty. Is this for Muslim or Hijabi readers? Is it to fulfill some sort of diversity quota because it seems like the publishing industry is looking for it?

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Same goes for denim skirts. Raven If you like my art, why not commission me? Top Photos. She wears a pink shirt and white hijab. The pic on the left is me! A fluffy white bag with a pink bow. Ali, author of Saints and Misfits. Mini skirts are a staple in so many coquette outfits and so many people will try to make you think maxi skirts aren't cute but they're just haters. The outline is of a hijabi in profile. Top Photos. If you're a hijabi coquette girlie, you probably have some form of a muslim community, and they probably won't dress in your style. Depending on the size you can make it as subtle as you want. First is a full-body drawing with a mostly pink outfit and a cat-print shirt.

Home » Sewing » Sew Clothes. What is a Hijab?

Sixth she wears a yellow shirt with black stripes and a bee print. ID 4: Heart-shaped sunglasses. The last thing you want is for your hijab to feel like it's clashing with the rest of the outfit. As I cast my gaze at my wife for the last time as she leaves me in my new country, with my new culture and expectations, and with my new soon-to-be husband from an arraigned marriage I feel fear, excitement and contentment as my new adventure is to begin. Trust me about the ribbon. Top Photos. Posts Ask me anything Submit a post Archive. A white beret with a pink bow worn on top of a hijab. Lily has her phone in her hand and is receiving a message from Duo the green owl. I drew the knot and everything but it kind of got covered by the flowers. Just don't. Put them on literally everything.

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