Hobo signs and symbols

It was almost 30 years ago, and I was flat on my back in a hospital bed in Trenton, New Jersey, sharing my room with this elderly man. I called him Mr. To everybody else, he was Willy. My roommate was in his 90s, and though he was in for heart trouble, hobo signs and symbols, he was sharp as a razor.

A hobo is a migratory worker or homeless vagabond—especially one who is penniless. The term originated in the Western probably Northwestern United States around Unlike "tramps"—who work only when they are forced to- and "bums" who do not work at all, "hobos" are itinerant workers. It is unclear exactly when hobos first appeared on the American railroading scene. With the end of the American Civil War in the s, many discharged veterans returning home began hopping freight trains.

Hobo signs and symbols

Resourceful and itinerant, the hobos developed a secret language system, doomed to disappear, to leave clues for their fellow hobos. At the end of the 19th century in the United States, hobos crisscrossed the American territory from East to West, propelled by the expansion of the railways and driven by precariousness, often forced by times of crisis. Homeless workers, they set off in search of seasonal jobs provided by agriculture and the nascent industry of American capitalism, illegally hopping on trains. Vagrants were not welcome in most cities, and were regularly chased away by the police or dragged off trains. By , there were an estimated , hobos in the United States. Resourceful and penniless, they developed a language system inscribed near passing places, destined to disappear , to inform their fellows of the good and bad surprises they might encounter on the road, or simply to mark their passage. He explains that wanderers are "governed in their relationships by unwritten laws and rules, which they respect far more than the laws dictated by 'society', which they describe as annoying". Of course, it's questionable whether he's being honest, or at least whether this is a non-exhaustive list, given that these acronyms are supposed to remain secret. There are symbols that mean, for example, "if you're sick, this person will take care of you" or "filthy prison" some hobos in need of food would willingly spend a night in prison to keep warm and have something to eat. The cat on the right above, for example, indicates a "good-hearted woman", the four triangles two lines down advise you to "tell a pitiful story", and the hen on the left indicates a telephone. The "x-lots" indicates a direction and that he intends to take the back roads. Symbol 8 means the police are easy to coax, while symbol 9 means they're ultra-hostile with their eyes open. In 10, a railroad guard is on the prowl, but he's a "good guy".

Story of a hobo who started at age

Hoboes have been leaving signs and symbols around the world for over a century. Symbols would signify to other hobos about good places to camp, where to get food, where the cops are alert, where to find work, etc. The reason for the hobo signs were twofold. Some hobos were illiterate and also by using symbols they could keep the meaning of their messages a secret from the general public. Hobo signs and hobo symbols have been guiding and informing hobos for over a century. Hobo Signs Hoboes have been leaving signs and symbols around the world for over a century. Hobo Signs History A history of hobo signs.

Have you ever noticed mysterious symbols etched into the sides of buildings, fences, or railroad cars? These enigmatic markings are known as hobo symbols, and they hold a deep historical significance. Dating back to the early s, these symbols were created by tramps and hobos as a way to communicate with one another, providing valuable information and warnings to those in the transient community. These symbols, often hidden in plain sight, served as a secret language that allowed these nomadic individuals to navigate the often treacherous world of train hopping and hitchhiking. Join me as we delve into the fascinating world of hobo symbols and the hidden meanings behind these cryptic marks. Hobos were transient workers who roamed the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, often traveling by train. They had their own unique culture and language, including a system of symbols known as hobo signs.

Hobo signs and symbols

It was almost 30 years ago, and I was flat on my back in a hospital bed in Trenton, New Jersey, sharing my room with this elderly man. I called him Mr. To everybody else, he was Willy. My roommate was in his 90s, and though he was in for heart trouble, he was sharp as a razor. While we healed, Willy imparted wisdom about the difficult truths of life as a hobo, an itinerant worker who moved through rural America , sometimes stealthily for their own security. Their secret? A system of hastily scrawled symbols that only the initiated would understand.

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Nov 23, The Mayor of MacDougal Street. The origin of the signs, like the Hobo name, is lost to history, but some of the symbols and their meanings have been documented. There are symbols that mean, for example, "if you're sick, this person will take care of you" or "filthy prison" some hobos in need of food would willingly spend a night in prison to keep warm and have something to eat. Despite this preference for solitude, they still feel a certain camaraderie with their fellow hobos, an obligation to assist their brethren — thus, the creation of the signs and symbols. Symbols in this category:. Hobo Train Hobo Train. All of it was information a hobo could use. Several codes discussed such as work here, park a yarn; women in the house, dog in garden, etc. Torrington, Connecticut.

The origins of the term "Hobo" cannot be traced. A few suggestions have been put forward.

You cannot overwrite this file. Chalk marks on your fence. Mention of the word "fly". Hoboes have been leaving signs and symbols around the world for over a century. All of it was information a hobo could use. All hobos felt the anger of local residents who thought hobos were lazy tramps looking for a free handout or were taking work from local men. Some different signs mostly based on circles. On that long-ago October afternoon, Willy told me about back-breaking farm work , long hot days and long cold nights. The Road. Symbols in this category:. To everybody else, he was Willy.

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