hornsby cinema

Hornsby cinema

Visit us to experience our signature self-serve Scoop Alley to pick up all your movie essentials from popcorn and drinks to choc tops and confectionery! Should you need a coffee and cake fix, we also have barista brewed coffee hornsby cinema many slices and cakes to choose from at our Set Cafe, hornsby cinema.

Event Cinemas Official. Operated by: Event Cinemas. Previously operated by: Greater Union Theatres. Functions: Movies First Run. Phone Numbers: Box Office: The original shopping centre opened in

Hornsby cinema

Suggest an edit to this item. Image Tags. Show tags Show tags. Welcome Guest Login. Previous Image Image 1. Details It was opened in as an open air theatre then in it was called Hornsby Picture House and had seats. The building was rebuilt in , reopening as the Hornsby Theatre and again in the when art-deco was at the forefront of building design. A seat dress circle was added to the 1,seats in the stalls giving a total seating capacity of 1, In the stalls seating area was converted into retail use and the former dress circle reopened again as Hornsby Cinema in December In the s it was re-named Odeon Cinema, Hornsby. All the local kids used to run sticks along the tin wall in William Street. As they got older, they were often employed as ice-cream or lolly boys with their trays and uniforms.

Mobility Information: "We have great accessibility to all theatres with both a lift and ramp available, hornsby cinema. Should you need a coffee and cake fix, we also have barista brewed coffee and many slices and cakes to choose from hornsby cinema our Set Cafe. Its grand opening ad can be found in the photo section for this cinema.


Westfield Hornsby and Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney are hosting a rooftop movie night near you! Bring your friends and family along for some fun activities and a viewing of the biggest box office hit movie of , Barbie! Come from 6pm for activities and fun! The movie starts at 7pm. We have bean bags available, popcorn and lots of hotdogs, but you are welcome to bring cushions, picnic rugs and dinner to make your experience more enjoyable. No alcohol or glass bottles are permitted.

Hornsby cinema

Now Showing. Dune: Part Two. Runtime :. Cast :. Follow the mythic journey of Paul Atreides as he unites with Chani and the Fremen while on a warpath of revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family. Facing a choice between the love of his life and the fate of the known universe, Paul endeavors to prevent a terrible future only he can foresee. Wednesday 20 March Click session time to order Click session time to order.

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Open Showing movies. Editing is temporarily disabled Cancel Edit. This opened on November 29th, From www. The theatre had side doors, two on the right hand side and two on the William Street side. This means that you can sit in any seat in the cinema. In the s it was re-named Odeon Cinema, Hornsby. Image Tags. Event Cinemas Official. Start typing here to find a location Latitude Longitude Zoom Actions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Save Revert Cancel loading google map Privacy Policy Terms of Use Copyright. Previously operated by: Greater Union Theatres.


This was the old Westfield Hornsby side, and was physically separate from the Stage 1 development until August, when the Level 1 underground walkway opened. Login or Sign up. Be sure to ask at the box office of your local cinema for availability. This means that you can sit in any seat in the cinema. Previously operated by: Greater Union Theatres. Details It was opened in as an open air theatre then in it was called Hornsby Picture House and had seats. Quick Links. Stage 4 opened on 29th November and included a nine-screen Greater Union cinema complex and alfresco restaurant precinct which opened on November 25, The initial stage included construction of 50 specialty shops and a Coles supermarket. In the s it was re-named Odeon Cinema, Hornsby.

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