horrid henry videos

Horrid henry videos

Ever get the feeling that life just isn't fair? Henry gets that feeling, somnia barcelona of the time. Of course he's only a kid, but with a perfect little brother called Peter, a Mum horrid henry videos Dad who'd love him dearly if only he'd stop behaving, well, like a kid, and a moody girl next door who's on a mission to make Henry's life miserable, who can blame him?

Life is not fair! Horrid Henry feels that the rest of the world is against him and he wages a constant war against the adults. Like any headstrong young boy, he is determined, relentless, he doesn't hold back and he never admits defeat! He will stop at nothing to outwit the enemy and teachers, relatives and babysitters avoid him at all costs. Share Android. Episodios Detalles.

Horrid henry videos


When Henry hears that there horrid henry videos Killer Boy Rats tickets up for grabs, he decides he's going to get his hands on them, and no-one is going to stop him! Not something you thought you'd ever think could happen, but seeing is believing! Not ready at all!


How are ratings calculated? Toggle Expand Toggle Expand. Skip to main content. Henry, a self-centred, naughty prankster who has issues with authority is faced with a problem. He then often retaliates in interesting ways.

Horrid henry videos

How are ratings calculated? Toggle Expand Toggle Expand. Skip to main content. Ever get the feeling that life just isn't fair? Henry gets that feeling, all of the time. Of course he's only a kid, but with a perfect little brother called Peter, a Mum and Dad who'd love him dearly if only he'd stop behaving, well, like a kid, and a moody girl next door who's on a mission to make Henry's life miserable, who can blame him? This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location.

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At last Horrid Henry gets a chance to fly the perfect plane, but then Stuck Up Steve turns up to spoil the fun! T4 E25 - Hashtag Henry. Is Henry about to break the rule of a lifetime and actually do his homework?! Henry is all set to make the best music video ever, but it's not that easy when everyone wants to be in on the act! A day out with Great Aunt Greta! Henry decides that he's got too much stuff, but giving it all away is easier said than done. Well, a boy can dream, can't he?! Rude Ralph is missing! All Mum wants Horrid Henry to do is take a walk in the park but Henry has other ideas, until he discovers that Ed Banger is the star attraction! Share Android. Will Margaret stop at nothing to get into the Purple Hand Gang?! Peter discovers that you can please everyone most of the time, at least he thinks he can!


Could the Evil Guardian really be responsible? Will Margaret stop at nothing to get into the Purple Hand Gang?! When Peter finds out that his most favourite author in the world lives just down the road, Henry has to turn writer to stop things going horridly wrong. This time it's really not Horrid Henry's fault when the baby goes missing! It's the first day of a new term, and Henry's not ready for school. Is Henry about to break the rule of a lifetime and actually do his homework?! He will stop at nothing to outwit the enemy and teachers, relatives and babysitters avoid him at all costs. There's a motto for every occasion, as Henry finds out to his cost! Perfect Peter paintballing? Henry gets that feeling, all of the time. And he's about to find out that it's not always easy seeing yourself as others see you. A day out with Great Aunt Greta! Episodios Detalles. Horrid Henry's not the only one worried by Dad's brilliant new idea to make the most of the day! Share Android.

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