How tall is bobby whyte

Bobby Whyte is an athletic performance and basketball skill enhancement trainer operating out of Northern New Jersey. He is the owner of HyPower Performance, where he trains many of the top players in the country. His personal journey, from a inch vertical jump at age 15 to playing and coaching basketball internationally, provides him with the understanding and confidence he needs to tailor programs that maximize individual development, how tall is bobby whyte.

Tristan: All right. Welcome in everyone. We have with us on the line Mr. Bobby Whyte. He is a basketball trainer and athletic trainer hailing from the east coast. He's here to talk to us a little bit today about his background, how he got to where he is today, and really where he is going in the future. Coach, how are we doing tonight?

How tall is bobby whyte


I don't know the exact number, but I've put it at thousands of kids.


His story is the epitome of the idea of going through the deepest valley in order to reach the highest mountain. Bobby is the exact kind of coach I would have loved to have as a young athlete, he truly cares about the individual person, more than he cares about the results that they achieve although he is excellent at getting those sporting results. Bobby is a coach who trains physical development and skills all under one roof, as he is a certified strength coach, as well as an expert developer of basketball abilities. In terms of training and technical information, Bobby takes us through his program from general skill to specific skill development, and everything in between. He also gives us his take on the over-specialization of young basketball players and his use of breathing techniques help athletes de-stress. This episode is a chance to step inside the life of a coach who is changing the lives of those he works with. Podcast: Play in new window Download Duration: — If you are not doing that… what are you doing? With a quick wit, Bobby makes tough, challenging sessions entertaining. Bobby has the ability and knowledge to develop skill and performance programs to deliver complete, healthy athletes.

How tall is bobby whyte

Bobby Whyte is an athletic performance and basketball skill enhancement trainer operating out of Northern New Jersey. He is the owner of HyPower Performance, where he trains many of the top players in the country. His personal journey, from a inch vertical jump at age 15 to playing and coaching basketball internationally, provides him with the understanding and confidence he needs to tailor programs that maximize individual development.

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Skipping is an athletic movement. Bobby: Yeah, I started with mostly youth athletes and I'll kind of go through the progression of how I got to where I am now, working with pros and know elite level players. And just how they move. What do most kids It was a full weekend course. Bobby: So, yes. But, before we get into that, I want to hear about you, coach. And I didn't have that superstar attitude that a lot of the great players have, or that super level of confidence that the great players have. When they find their weaknesses, it's like finding gold. If a dad tries to talk to me about money, I quickly tell him I will confuse the entire situation and direct him to my wife. And I think that was a great, great interview, and certainly some great insight you provide here. What is your viewpoint on the current state of developmental basketball? And I didn't really start to develop self confidence, I'd say, till I was like 24 years old.

What was the price of a hot dog? Jacob weighs 64 pounds. Together, he and his sister weigh eight pounds more than two time the weight of his sister.

In summer, I was doing the summer basketball camp things from nine to three, then I'd have a couple of private sessions until five. Tristan: Oh, I see what you did there with the Y. I'm a big, intimidating six-foot-seven guy with tattoos. So, I was always trying to strive to be the hardest worker on the team. But what did you do starting out? You work with youth athletes, high school, college, into the pros. About Us Hustle is a sports training app where players can learn skills from the pros to level up their game. The athletes are the answer. Something whatever. Practice makes perfect. I don't think I use too much technology at this point. Lastly, I used to really worry about making everyone happy. I want to use them because they have purpose and they get my players accountability or get them into the positions that I want to get them into. I like how you just put that there.

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