Humiliation wedgie

University, the home of thousands of students with hopes of one day being scientists, writers, humiliation wedgie, engineers, teachers, or members of numerous other disciplines. Each day any one student will see hundreds of other students without a second thought as they are caught up in the stress of classes, exams, social obligations, and a great many other things. One such student is a humiliation wedgie named Sarah.

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Humiliation wedgie

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. This story contains a ghory revenge by a man who is publicly humiliated. Contains beastality. Read at your own risk. A beautiful girl who everybody admired in college a Alice's new life by AloveYoongi 9. It is an ABDL humiliation story. The picture in the cover is taken from Google. Taken And Diapered by diaper Emily is your classic good girl. Shes 18 years old.

She was so embarrassed.


While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. It's Christmas Eve and all of class 1-A is out celebrating.

Humiliation wedgie

Normally I would never stoop to a such mediocre levels but somehow ive made exceptions for this one guy. I felt there was just something about him, something mysterious. Standing outside of a movie theatre the only mysterious thing was if he was going to show up. It took a while until I realized I was stood up. Moments passed and eyes began to glance at me repeatedly as I just stood there. It came to a point I felt forced to stand in line as I waited for apparently nothing. Amongst other things I found myself a pair of immature adults who were way pass the teenage jitters.

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Maid Dom. Humiliating frontal wedgie on a train. Spencers Atomic Wedgie. Insomnia is a damn tough nut to crack for her, as it is with so many others. I can't find a job because of the pictures online. Profile Navigation. It is an ABDL humiliation story. Rough day by CagedHusky 3K 6 1. She gets the chance to go back to the school she went before. Shes 18 years old. The sweet transitional nearly euphoric state of twilight unconsciousness washed over her as she butted up against real dog-tired sleep. One day I came very early from school. Brie Larson Wedgie Caption 8. Eddys Hanging Wedgie. Tamaki Amajiki is known to be a shy, stressed out, and often helpless young man.

Wedgie Sluts Trying to Impress Bully.

Wedgie Humiliation in Parking Lot. Kate does not blush, thank you very much. Wedgie Late in the day, as the sun sets over the campus, Sarah makes her way back to her dorm with her sky blue gym bag strung across her shoulder. I shouted at her. One day I came very early from school. I did not make much noise entering the house. Mistress Iggy. Insomnia is a damn tough nut to crack for her, as it is with so many others. Her life seems all planned out but what happens when she is taken and forced into diapers?

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