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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. The main subjects of analysis are two of his articles from , the prefaces to choice of poems of Ronsard, Du Bellay, Baïf, Belleau, Du Bartas, Chassignet, Desportes, and Régnier, as well as to selection from German poetry. This type encompasses the sacred and profane, the multilingual, the seriousness of spiritual themes along with pure comedy. All these qualities according to Nerval reflect the French spirit and may be the sources of revival for true French romantic poetry. Jessica J Appleby. This course surveys French literature from the Middle Ages to the Revolution of the late 18th century. Students are expected to gain a detailed understanding of the principal writers and schools of thought of the time periods covered. Of primary focus are the socio-historical context within which these major texts were written and their particular contribution to the broader picture of French literature and history. This course will help students comprehend the role these texts played in building modern French culture. Group discussions and writing assignments will allow students to develop their analytical skills and will be essential to developing their comprehension of the texts.

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