indian school bousher

Indian school bousher

Dear Parents, Students, indian school bousher, and Staff. As we enter the new academic year, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to everyone in our school community. Each one of you plays a vital role in our journey toward excellence in education, and I am grateful for your commitment and dedication to making our school indian school bousher great place to learn, grow and be proud of.

Currently, the Board governs 21 Indian Schools, with more than 46, students on the rolls. The Board, empowered by the Bye-Laws approved by the Ministry of Education of Oman, establishes Indian Schools to impart education to the students of the Indian community residing in Oman. At the very outset, we salute the wise leadership of the late His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said — may his soul rest in peace — whose benevolence was instrumental in starting the first Indian School in Muscat and whose generosity paved way for the establishment of 21 Indian Schools over the years. The Board of Directors in its endeavour to upgrade the admission process has embarked on setting up a 'Online Admission System. The objectives of online admission system is to facilitate parents to have easy access to the information pertaining to admission and allied matters. Parents can access and fill application forms and submit them online.

Indian school bousher


We are excited to bring new innovations, heightened responsibility, discipline, and holistic academic rigor to our school community. We encourage you all to embrace the innovations we are bringing this year, as it is our commitment to provide you with the highest standard of education possible, indian school bousher. Ministry of Education.


The basic vision of CBSE is to inspire learning for physical, emotional, social and intellectual wellbeing of students. The CBSE, a pace-setting National Board of School Education in the country, aspires to be a centre of unmatched excellence for providing quality education by continuously raising the educational standards to meet the national and global needs through the dual process of affiliating schools within and beyond the national geographical boundaries and conduct of examinations at the end of classes X and XII. The Consulate of India was opened in Muscat in February In April it was upgraded to a Consulate General and became a full-fledged Embassy in The first Ambassador of India arrived in Muscat in The Embassy has been shifted in January to the Diplomatic area in Al Khuwair in its owned premises. India and Oman, maritime neighbours linked by geography, history and culture, enjoy close and friendly relations. Inspired by civilizational and historical links spanning over years, India and Oman have expanded their bilateral cooperation and exchanges since establishment of diplomatic relations in , forging a mutually beneficial Strategic Partnership.

Indian school bousher

The process and certification of accreditation recognizes a commitment to excellence and the high professional standards of operation. Indian School Bousher believes that excellence is achieved through an ongoing process of learning and improvement. Indian School Bousher as an institution of excellence, in coming years aims to get accredited by some of the best accrediting bodies in the world. NABET is offering accreditation program for Quality School Governance in the Country, with a view to provide framework for the effective management and delivery of the holistic education program aimed at overall development of students. It will aim to standardised best practices in the following areas. CIS community includes more than institutions - schools and colleges and universities representing countries. As a global non-profit membership organization, CIS provides services to primary and secondary schools, higher education institutions and individuals that share these ideals: a desire to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue their lives as global citizens; and a commitment to high quality international education. To achieve this goal, CIS members must infuse their programmes and offerings with international and intercultural perspective so that students can move forward with the attitudes and understanding that will provide them with a solid base wherever their studies or work may take them. Primary and secondary school members must further commit to undertaking an ongoing external quality assurance process to enhance student learning. To be the best at what we do: transform children into empowered global citizens and life-long learners through academic excellence and holistic education.

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Indian School Nizwa. Indian School Al Maabela. Indian School Salalah. From Principal's Desk MR. Know More. Our Goals Here you can review some statistics about our School. Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like School Highlights. To achieve our goals, we must collaborate and work in harmony towards a shared vision of success. Indian School Muladha. Indian School Rustaq. Indian School Ibra. Let us work together to make our school a remarkable institution where all students thrive!

The new school, Indian School Bousher, the 21st Indian School in Oman and the 7th school in the capital region, is set to opens its doors on the 22nd April for the next academic term. More than students have enrolled in different classes ranging from kindergarten to Grade 8. Indian School Bousher is a significant milestone in the annals of Indian Schools in Oman, as a modern facility that is aimed at ensuring twenty-first century learning to the students of Indian diaspora.

Explore More. Dear facilitators, let us re-commit to creating a learning environment that fosters innovation, creativity, and a love for learning. The academic year will be an exciting academic year, let me take a moment to share with you some of the important aspects of our school that we will be focusing on this year. Indian School Ibri. They can also get to know results of selection process and it thus makes the system transparent and hassle free. Know More. Indian School Muladha. Currently, the Board governs 21 Indian Schools, with more than 46, students on the rolls. Aryans, Parthians, Spartans and Vikings. Indian School Bousher. Indian School Rustaq. Dear Parents, Students, and Staff,. Indian School Nizwa. Your browser does not support the video tag. Indian School Jalan.

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