is matt rife canadian

Is matt rife canadian

More than tour dates are planned across North America, Australia and Europe through andincluding a stop in Toronto.

TCU Place. Conexus Arts Centre. Burton Cummings Theatre. Royal Theatre. Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. Centennial Hall.

Is matt rife canadian

Matthew Steven Rife [1] born September 10, [2] is an American comedian and actor. Rife is best known for his self-produced comedy specials Only Fans , Matthew Steven Rife and Walking Red Flag , as well as his Netflix special Natural Selection , and previous recurring role on the sketch improv comedy and rap show Wild 'n Out. After a friend encouraged him, he did the show—and started performing professionally a year later at Rife states that he created an entire special surrounding the topic of audience "red flags" in order to stop audiences from interrupting his future sets with the bit. On November 15, Rife released his Netflix standup special Natural Selection , which Vulture reviewed as "half uninspiring dick jokes He's got it in for waitresses with black eyes why can't they stay hidden in the kitchen? The special attracted controversy due to a domestic violence joke at the beginning. In a statement in response to the controversy, Rife linked a fake apology note to a website that offered safety helmets for people with disabilities. Rife has said his two biggest influences in comedy are Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais. Rife currently resides in Los Angeles, California. Rife mentioned in his comedy special Only Fans that he had [32] clinical depression and an anxiety disorder. Rife identifies as a Christian but is not religious. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk.

In a statement in response to the controversy, Rife linked a fake apology note to a website that offered safety helmets for people with disabilities. Article Talk.


The rise and immediate, potentially strategic downfall of Matt Rife. If you're not on TikTok, there's a likely chance you hadn't encountered US comedian Matt Rife until this past week, when he hit two career milestones in short succession. First, his Netflix stand-up special Natural Selection was released. It instantly shot up the streamer's charts, with many of his Secondly, he endured his first major controversy as a comedian. In the Netflix special's opening joke, Rife makes light of a restaurant hostess' black eye — generating audience backlash and headlines from Time Magazine to Forbes. Rife begins his set as many travelling comedians do: roasting the audience's city, in this case, Washington DC. He notes how "ratchet" the city's inhabitants are, pointing towards his recent hostess with a black eye as an example. I feel like they should put her in the kitchen or something where nobody has to see her face'," says Rife. While it gets a laugh from the live audience, many viewers have been offended by the joke's punchline which implies a woman could deserve domestic violence for bad home-making skills.

Is matt rife canadian

Comedian and TikTok star Matt Rife is coming to a city near you. After releasing his second self-produced comedy special earlier this year, Rife will embark on a world standup comedy tour this summer, making stops in North America, Australia and Europe. Rife has been appearing in TV shows and movies for almost a decade, but his viral comedy clips on TikTok have helped him reach internet fame. Matt Rife in Cincinnati: How to get tickets. Matt Rife is a standup comedian and actor with over 14 million TikTok followers. He has also lived in New Albany and Mount Vernon. According to his IMDb page , Rife was a recurring cast member on the show in seasons 7 through 9. Matt Rife recently told Elite Daily he is single and too busy with his career for a relationship. Not in a cold kind of way, but just being run-down. I sleep probably three hours a night, maybe.

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Retrieved July 3, Retrieved 27 August Never a dull moment. Thank you. Delivery date. Have an account? If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. For the best experience, use any of these supported browsers: Chrome , Firefox , Safari , Edge. Two adults, four children found dead in Ottawa-area home, police say. Optional message for the recipient. Passion River Films. Email me a log in link.

Matthew Steven Rife [1] born September 10, [2] is an American comedian and actor.

Dec 31, Top Trending. All About Jessica Lord". Wikiquote has quotations related to Matt Rife. Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. This offer is currently unavailable. Stars' Cast". Facts to know about the comedian and TikTok star from Columbus area". Conexus Arts Centre. Ending in. Rife in Retrieved June 15, Categories : births Living people 21st-century American comedians 21st-century American male actors American male comedians American male film actors American male television actors American stand-up comedians American TikTokers Participants in American reality television series Comedians from Columbus, Ohio Male actors from Columbus, Ohio. Journalistic Standards.

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