is volkanovski russian

Is volkanovski russian

Alexander Volkanovski born 29 September is an Australian professional mixed martial artist. Prior to his UFC debut, Volkanovski competed as a professional boxer in

Alexander Volkanovski's audacious bid to win a UFC lightweight title on less than two weeks' notice has failed as he was spectacularly knocked out by champion Islam Makhachev in the first round of their rematch in Abu Dhabi. Makhachev landed some good kicks and knee blows before a devastating left leg kick to the head floored the year-old Australian. The blow opened up a cut on Volknaovski's head and a few seconds of ground and pound from Makhachev prompted referee Marc Goddard to stop the fight at the mark of the first round this morning. It hurts me, but he's a great champion," UFC featherweight champion Volkanovski said. Volkanovski, who was a late replacement for injured former lightweight champion Charles Oliveira, wasn't able to land a significant strike and was on the back foot from the start. I told you you have to turn off the lights to defeat this guy. In an emotional post-fight press conference, Volkanovski revealed the mental toll of downtime between fights.

Is volkanovski russian

Volkanovski defended his featherweight title at UFC last weekend and McGregor asked fans if the Australian comes from a Polish background. McGregor went on a tweeting spree last weekend whilst featherweight champion Volkanovski whilst defending his title against interim titleholder Rodriguez. Do you think Conor McGregor will fight this year? Let us know your prediction in the comments section below. Volknanovski has expressed interest in fighting McGregor as the Irishman is the only past UFC featherweight champion that he hasn't fought. If we could make that happen right now, somehow get prime Conor vs. Volkanovski recognised a fight against McGregor would generate an absurd amount of revenue, but insisted the main reason he wanted the fight was for his legacy. But you talk about legacy, you know then I would have beaten every featherweight champion, and I plan on having the most defences as well," he added. Celebs TV Films. US Celebrity News. Mirror Choice. Follow us on social. In Your Area. Got A Story?

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Alexander Volkanovski's audacious bid to win a UFC lightweight title on less than two weeks' notice has failed as he was spectacularly knocked out by champion Islam Makhachev in the first round of their rematch in Abu Dhabi. Makhachev landed some good kicks and knee blows before a devastating left leg kick to the head floored the year-old Australian. The blow opened up a cut on Volknaovski's head and a few seconds of ground and pound from Makhachev prompted referee Marc Goddard to stop the fight at the mark of the first round this morning. It hurts me, but he's a great champion," UFC featherweight champion Volkanovski said. Volkanovski, who was a late replacement for injured former lightweight champion Charles Oliveira, wasn't able to land a significant strike and was on the back foot from the start. I told you you have to turn off the lights to defeat this guy. In an emotional post-fight press conference, Volkanovski revealed the mental toll of downtime between fights. I never thought I'd struggle with it.

Is volkanovski russian

When and why did you start training for fighting? I started training in to keep fit, as I was a professional rugby league player at the time. What ranks and titles have you held? Do you have any heroes? Chuck Liddell. I would never have gotten into MMA if it weren't for his influence in the sport. What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? I finished high school a few weeks into year 11 to take on a role concreting within the family business. What was your job before you started fighting?

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Arnold Allen. Share Copy link Facebook X formerly Twitter. Not bad for a guy who didn't hit a single takedown of his own in the fight. Topuria calls out Pimblett, eyes future boxing bout with Alvarez. I was just doing my head in. Inglewood, California , United States. Volkanovski defended his featherweight title at UFC last weekend and McGregor asked fans if the Australian comes from a Polish background. That doesn't just mean on the feet. Arnold Allen 7. A newsletter delivered each Friday. Said Nurmagomedov takes on Muin Gafurov as the main card kicks off. These kicks don't generally do a ton of damage in small doses but can completely change the complexion of a fight when they're thrown in succession.

He rose to prominence in the division with a 7 fight win streak over such greats as Jose Aldo and Chad Mendes.

Most Popular Sports. Without Blackshear Nevada cruises to win over Fresno State. Darts Home Fixtures - Results. Nowra , Australia. Despite Makhachev's early striking success the first time out, there's no question that Volkanovski is still the more polished striker—particularly in terms of boxing. Black History Month. Retrieved 27 May Sports Caravan. Dan Ige Retrieved 20 February Beating Makhachev is extremely difficult under the best of circumstances.

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