Jack sikma

Born: November 14in Kankakee, Illinois us. College: Illinois Wesleyan University. Compare Jack Sikma to other players. Question, Comment, Feedback, or Jack sikma

Jack Wayne Sikma born November 14, is an American former professional basketball center. In , he won an NBA championship with Seattle. Sikma finished his playing career with the Milwaukee Bucks. He was elected to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in He was known for his trademark reverse pivot and step back behind-the-head jumper, coined as the "Sikma move", [1] along with his distinctive blond hair during his playing days, which he wore in a pageboy early in his career and in a curly style later on. During his thirteen-year career, he reached the playoffs eleven times and anomalously established himself as an accurate-shooting center. His style of play would become significantly influential for centers at both the amateur and professional levels.

Jack sikma


May 26, Totals Bold indicates league leader.


And when the Sonics, undeterred, did indeed take Sikma with the eighth overall selection of the draft — after Wilkens had to overrule hesitant members of the Seattle front office — the fans gathered at the Olympic Hotel let loose a smattering of boos. All that was recalled with delight on Friday by Wilkens when news broke — first reported by Art Thiel of Sportspress Northwest — that Sikma has been selected for induction to the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame. It was greeted locally with great joy, along with the latest wave of nostalgia for the departed and still-lamented Sonics. His Dutch-boy haircut soon transformed into a distinctive blonde afro. When Wilkens inserted Sikma into the starting lineup after taking over for the fired Bob Hopkins, a Seattle team mired at took off on their miraculous run to the NBA Finals. With Seattle facing elimination in the Western Conference finals, Sikma had 21 points and 10 rebounds in a Game 6 win at Phoenix. In Game 7, he scored 33 to send them back to the finals.

Jack sikma

Jack Wayne Sikma born November 14, is an American former professional basketball center. In , he won an NBA championship with Seattle. Sikma finished his playing career with the Milwaukee Bucks. He was elected to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in


Playoffs Series. Along with his accurate shooting, Sikma led the league in defensive rebounds in both —82 and — During his thirteen-year career, he reached the playoffs eleven times and anomalously established himself as an accurate-shooting center. All-Time Greats : E. The New York Times. November 10, Choice is:. Sikma was a first-round pick, drafted with the eighth overall selection in the NBA draft by the Seattle SuperSonics. Anne St. May 23,

The former Sonics center, a master of the reverse pivot, was among 12 new inductees — including ex-Sonics guard and coach Paul Westphal — to enter the Hall.

The Daily Journal. Minnesota Timberwolves assistant. Subscribe to our Free Email Newsletter. College Stats underline indicates incomplete record. Curry , L. Los Angeles Times. Miller Moncrief Monroe Moore C. Read Edit View history. Frequently Asked Questions. November 26, The New York Times. Oklahoma City Blue.

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