jean claude van damme movies list

Jean claude van damme movies list

R/fauxmoi One year after avenging his brother's murder, MMA champion Kurt Sloane finds himself imprisoned by a powerful gangster in Thailand Synopsis: A bouncer agrees to help Interpol hunt down a crime boss so that he can regain custody of his daughter Hoping to impress

R 92 min Action, Biography, Drama. R 97 min Action, Sport, Thriller. Kurt Sloane must learn the ancient kick boxing art of Muay Thai in order to avenge his brother. R min Action, Crime, Drama. An Ex-French Soldier begins participating in underground street fights in order to make money for his brother's family. R 97 min Action, Crime, Thriller. A woman hires a drifter as her guide through New Orleans in search of her missing father.

Jean claude van damme movies list

You can change your city from here. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city. Exclusive- Mishkat Varma on working with Sumbul Touqeer: The reason we have really good chemistry is that we are good friends. Shark Tank India 3: Angry Anupam Mittal softens towards an entrepreneur couple, who met on his matrimony site; Aman Gupta teases 'Ab aap joh bologe sab maaf hai aapko'. Surbhi Chandna-Karan Sharma twin in black sequin outfits as they exchange rings; dance their heart out at their 'Sufi Night'. Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa Manisha Rani burns the dance floor of the grand finale with her electrifying moves; gets standing ovation from the judges and guest Sara Ali Khan. Ishqbaaz fame Surbhi Chandna ties the knot with Karan Sharma; looks gorgeous in a sea green lehenga as she walks down the aisle. Check out list of all Jean Claude Van Damme movies along with trailers, songs, reviews and much more. Select a City Close. Your current city: Mumbai Mumbai search close. All Bombay Times print stories are available on. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city OK. Hello, Edit Profile Logout.

Martial artist actor writer producer conservationist. Kill'em All

Jean-Claude Van Damme , The Muscles from Brussels, the greatest of all time in terms of being able to do splits, JCVD, or whatever else you want to call him, is a cultural icon in terms of action movies. He came on the scene in the mid-'80s as a star on the rise, and it was his roundhouse kicks, on-screen persona, and good looks that definitely marched him to the front of the line in terms of stardom. Van Damme's films are all over the place in terms of how critics view them. Some of them are utter classics; others feel like a paycheck. But that's kind of how it goes for most actors. Rotten Tomatoes has scored his films up and down, so let's take a look at the 21 best Van Damme films ranked by them.

PG 87 min Comedy, Drama, Music. A struggling young jazz dancer meets up with two break-dancers. Together they become the sensation of the street crowds. R min Action, Adventure, Drama. Colonel Braddock launches a mission deep into the jungles of Vietnam to find the POW camp that he escaped from and free the Americans still held captive there. PG 85 min Action, Comedy, Crime.

Jean claude van damme movies list

Back in the golden era of action cinema, otherwise known as the 80s, muscular heroes dominated the big screen and absolutely flooded the burgeoning straight-to-video market. While the likes of Schwarzenegger and Stallone had broken into the mainstream and became household names, there was no shortage of up and coming younger actors keen to follow in their footsteps. Back when I was at school, Schwarzenegger was the biggest star around, and I have clear memories of how popular he was, with his movies being a constant source of chatter in and around lessons. When I found Jean-Claude Van Damme, simply through a process of renting or rather getting my Dad to, as I was still technically underage every new action movie released on video, it was a personal discovery that made it seem even more special. I appreciate that must sound strange, but there was a certain triumph to taking my beloved copy of A. L into school and spreading the word, showing the best fight scenes to my class, like some kind of JCVD evangelist. Ad — content continues below. Double Impact was the first chance I had to see Jean-Claude on the big screen, thankfully down to a combination of its UK release in cinemas and that, at the age of 16, was able to buy tickets for certificate films. Last year, while waiting on a rain-soaked red carpet for The Expendables 2, I enthused about his work with friend and editor of ScreenGeek, Sam Faulkner, who had a particular soft spot for Double Impact and contributed the following:.

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Twin brothers are separated when their parents are murdered but 25 years later they re-unite in order to avenge their parents' death. Votes: 8, Ebert Club 63 May 18, Marie Haws The wins came over a crowed field of competitors from all over the world, many of them with much larger budgets. But what can I do? Download as PDF Printable version. Peter Sobczynski Close Ad. H gets out of control. R 98 min Action, Drama, Thriller. Aishwarya Lekshmi exuding royalness in her ethnic wear!

Synopsis: One year after avenging his brother's murder, MMA champion Kurt Sloane finds himself imprisoned by a powerful gangster in Thailand Synopsis: A bouncer agrees to help Interpol hunt down a crime boss so that he can regain custody of his daughter Hoping to impress

His discoveries lead him to New York City, where he teams up with his dead brother's lover Natasha Henstridge to infiltrate the Russian mob. Black Water. Retrieved 2 May The Rosen Publishing Group, James plays a sheriff in a small town who has a dark past that he can not remember, only to have to confront it when his ex-partners show up looking for stolen money they believe he has. Gabriel van der Driessche. R min Action, Crime, Drama. Orlando Lang. Van Damme's first widely released film since That same year, he turned down the role of Gunner Jensen in the first instalment of The Expendables and the role went to Dolph Lundgren. Bloodsport R 92 min Action, Biography, Drama 6. Cinematographer 1 Credit. Sudden Death Roger Ebert.

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