jesus calling october 15

Jesus calling october 15

Tuesday, August 6 Jesus Calling: October 15th,

Look unto me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth. Look to no other source of Salvation. Only look unto Me. See no other supply. Look unto Me, and you shall be saved. Regard Me as your only supply. That is the secret of prosperity for you, and you in your turn shall save many from poverty and distress.

Jesus calling october 15

Every day I read these year after year and they always mean so much more each time. I especially like the "Labels" that I can go to for extended reading, hopefulness and faith. Thank you. I agree. I usually read my book, but sometimes I'm away from it and am very thankful for this online version and the extra insights and prayers. She labored like Martha and spent countless hours at the feet of Jesus like Mary cf. Luke Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing.

Beautiful words of truth and encouragement!


Every day I read these year after year and they always mean so much more each time. I especially like the "Labels" that I can go to for extended reading, hopefulness and faith. Thank you. I agree. I usually read my book, but sometimes I'm away from it and am very thankful for this online version and the extra insights and prayers. She labored like Martha and spent countless hours at the feet of Jesus like Mary cf. Luke Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away.

Jesus calling october 15

Thank you Lord for this gentle reminder. Forgive me for I slip back into doing this more than I should. God spoke into me one time "No more murmuring" that he had tolerated me complaining and carrying on but it was time to be done. I studied those words, and broke it down. No, meaning not any or none. More, meaning an additional amount. Murmuring, meaning complaining or a soft, low, or indistinct sound produced by a person or group of people. That is exactly what we do we grumble or complain to others and it sets an undertone in our lives and in the lives of those we influence.

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How blessed is that! I read it every day and rarely post, but feel so grateful for like minded believers. Through unrest to rest, through sorrow to Joy, through weakness to Power. Thank you, Lord, for a productive counseling appt today. I am with you through all. Lay upon Me your sins, your failures, your shortcomings. You have thus established a line of communication between yourself and Me. Thank you, JC family, for welcoming all who come. Continued prayers and in faith we know GOD is there! Thank You Jesus for Madfox. May you feel God's loving arms around you and may your family feel Him too. Mary okc.

Tuesday, August 6 Jesus Calling: October 10th, Jesus Calling: October 10th Trust Me enough to let things happen without striving to predict or control them.

Only look unto Me. Paula looked just beautiful Not only now, in the hour of your difficulty, but from this time forth and for evermore. Our Lord and our God. God bless you always. Doc Amen. It requires us to give up whatever endangers our relationship with God, to run with endurance, and to struggle against since with the power of the Holy Spirit. I can't think of anything to add to this beautiful circle of prayer warriors words, I am joining hands in prayers for you. Thank you JC Family for surrounding them with Your consoling prayers. Praying he will love the Lord and know what it means to be a child of God. I will indeed help your unbelief, and in answer to your prayers grant you so great a faith, such an increasingly great faith, that each day you will look back, from the place of your larger vision, and see the faith of the day before as almost unbelief. I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? These are your wilderness days.

3 thoughts on “Jesus calling october 15

  1. It is a pity, that now I can not express - I am late for a meeting. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.

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