jillian ward hot photos

Jillian ward hot photos

Jillian Ward becomes the newest addition to the list of celebrities who have mastered the art of taking ID pictures. On May 10,Jillian's angelic face on her Philippine passport became a hot topic on social jillian ward hot photos.

Jillian Ward has finished senior high school with flying colors! Read: Fans gush over Jillian Ward's striking passport photo. On Wednesday, July 26, , the GMA-7 actress announced on Instagram that, despite her busy schedule in showbiz, she managed to find time to successfully complete her senior high school education. In the picture she shared, Jillian proudly wore her toga while holding her diploma and first-honor certificate from Homeschool of Asia Pacific HAP , an affiliate of Sanston Academy, which is based in Texas, U. In the caption, Jillian quoted a line from the anime series Full Metal Alchemist : "A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something—but by enduring that pain and overcoming it, you shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. Jillian's post received an abundance of congratulatory messages in the comments section.

Jillian ward hot photos

Want to feel old? She has now grown into a beautiful young woman who continues to stun the internet just like with her recent post in a Jungle Woman costume. A post shared by Jillian Ward jillian. Gone is the cute, chubby little girl on our TV screens! The Internet was shookt, and netizens expressed their love for the photo and their support for Jillian. Some even said she could be the next actress to play a future reboot of Marimar or even Darna. It aired in when Jillian was only about five years old. She captivated the whole nation with her cute face, bubbly persona, and the way she talked made everyone want to hug her. The iconic bangs! Other celebrities also found her adorable in her cute dresses and straight bangs. Just check out how many celebrities had a photo with her:. Check out her stunning photos:.

Sign Up. On Wednesday, July 26,the GMA-7 actress announced on Instagram that, despite her busy schedule in showbiz, she managed to find time to successfully complete her senior high school education.


Jillian Ward becomes the newest addition to the list of celebrities who have mastered the art of taking ID pictures. On May 10, , Jillian's angelic face on her Philippine passport became a hot topic on social media. The year-old actress uploaded the photo on Facebook with the simple caption: "Got my passport! Although there is nothing new nor unusual about her make-up and hairstyle, it is worth noting that most people dread taking ID photos, especially passport photos, as they often turn out unflattering. One netizen joked that she should be on the "Most Wanted" list for being "too beautiful. Read also: Jillian Ward not yet ready to fall in love: "Hindi po ako nagpapaligaw pa.

Jillian ward hot photos

She finished senior high school at Homeschool of Asia Pacific in Muntinlupa. She first appeared in a commercial for Promil Pre-school, a powdered milk drink. It was followed by Guagua , San Fernando and Porac as their second, third and fourth branches.

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She has now grown into a beautiful young woman who continues to stun the internet just like with her recent post in a Jungle Woman costume. Some even said she could be the next actress to play a future reboot of Marimar or even Darna. In the picture she shared, Jillian proudly wore her toga while holding her diploma and first-honor certificate from Homeschool of Asia Pacific HAP , an affiliate of Sanston Academy, which is based in Texas, U. Bravo Published May 19, This article was created by. Retake this Quiz. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on PEP. Although there is nothing new nor unusual about her make-up and hairstyle, it is worth noting that most people dread taking ID photos, especially passport photos, as they often turn out unflattering. On Wednesday, July 26, , GMA-7 actress Jillian Ward showed her first-honor certificate to announce on Instagram that she has successfully completed her senior high school education. View Results. One netizen joked that she should be on the "Most Wanted" list for being "too beautiful.

Jillian Ward was born on 23rd February in her birthplace, Manila, Philippines, and her current age is 18 years old. Her real name is Jhylliane Warde.

Although there is nothing new nor unusual about her make-up and hairstyle, it is worth noting that most people dread taking ID photos, especially passport photos, as they often turn out unflattering. Peptionary Peptionary. Kyzia Maramara Kyzia spends most of her time capturing the world around her through photos, paragraphs, and playlists. During the ceremony, she spoke about her experience with homeschooling and how the program enabled her to complete her senior high school education despite her busy work schedule. Fans gush over Jillian Ward's striking passport photo. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Other celebrities also found her adorable in her cute dresses and straight bangs. She is constantly on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, and a great paperback thriller to pair with it. Jillian's post received an abundance of congratulatory messages in the comments section. In the caption, Jillian quoted a line from the anime series Full Metal Alchemist : "A lesson without pain is meaningless. She captivated the whole nation with her cute face, bubbly persona, and the way she talked made everyone want to hug her.

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