jim morrison wiki

Jim morrison wiki

From a young age, Morrison became infatuated with the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Rimbaud and Jim morrison wiki Kerouac, often incorporating their work into his lyrics. In his later life, Morrison developed an alcohol dependency which likely contributed to his death at the age of 27 in Paris.

American singer and poet; lead vocalist of The Doors — Mojo Risin' Jimbo. BnF authorities. Virtual International Authority File. Integrated Authority File. Jim Morrison

Jim morrison wiki

James Douglas Morrison December 8, — July 3, was an American singer, songwriter and poet who was the lead vocalist and lyricist of the rock band the Doors. Due to his energetic persona, poetic lyrics, distinctive voice, erratic and unpredictable performances, along with the dramatic circumstances surrounding his life and early death, Morrison is regarded by music critics and fans as one of the most influential frontmen in rock history. Since his death, his fame has endured as one of popular culture's top rebellious and oft-displayed icons , representing the generation gap and youth counterculture. The group spent two years in obscurity until shooting to prominence with their number-one hit single in the United States, " Light My Fire ", taken from their self-titled debut album. Morrison recorded a total of six studio albums with the Doors, all of which sold well and many of which received critical acclaim. He was well known for giving spoken word poetry passages while the band was playing live. Manzarek said Morrison "embodied hippie counterculture rebellion". Morrison developed an alcohol dependency throughout his life, which at times affected his performances on stage. His untimely death is often linked with the 27 Club. Since no autopsy was performed, the cause of Morrison's death remains disputed.

Pitchfork artist ID. Music journalist Simon Reynolds noted that the "deep, heavy alloys" in Morrison's voice, served as a prototype for the gothic rock scene. Europeana entity.

They were among the most influential and controversial rock acts of the s, primarily due to Morrison's lyrics and voice, along with his erratic stage persona and legal issues. The group is widely regarded as an important figure of the era's counterculture. After signing with Elektra Records in , the Doors with Morrison recorded and released six studio albums in five years, some of which are generally considered among the greatest of all time, [5] [6] including their self-titled debut , Strange Days , and L. Woman Dubbed the "Kings of Acid Rock", [7] they were one of the most successful bands of their time and by the Doors had sold over 4 million albums domestically and nearly 8 million singles. Morrison died in uncertain circumstances in

Morrison lived fast, died young, and left behind a catalog of songs that continue to inspire. Here are 11 strange facts about the music legend. Morrison, a high-ranking U. Jim broke away from his parents after enrolling at UCLA in Throughout his life, Morrison spoke about a traumatic incident from his childhood. As he remembered it, he was in a car with his parents and his grandfather traveling through New Mexico. At some point, they came upon the aftermath of a horrific traffic accident. The rocker left everything to his longtime girlfriend Pamela Courson, with whom he moved to Paris in March

Jim morrison wiki

Fu il leader carismatico e frontman della band statunitense The Doors , dal al Cavalcando la rivoluzione culturale degli anni Sessanta , fu tra i maggiori cantanti di rock psichedelico [3]. Di origine statunitense , a sua volta con nonni di origini inglesi , scozzesi , irlandesi e tedesche , James "Jim" Douglas Morrison nacque alle ora locale [7] dell'8 dicembre , al Brevard Hospital , vecchio nome dell'attuale Holmes Medical , di Melbourne , in Florida , da George Stephen Morrison , ammiraglio in servizio presso la Marina degli Stati Uniti d'America deceduto il 17 novembre e spesso fuori casa, e da Clara Virginia Clarke Morrison deceduta il 29 dicembre , figlia di un avvocato del Wisconsin , entrambi giunti da Pensacola Florida dall'anno precedente. A causa della professione militare del padre infatti, la famiglia dovette trasferirsi molte volte all'interno degli Stati Uniti d'America e, per questo motivo, Jim visse i primi anni costretto a cambiare spesso casa, scuola e amicizie. Flato School. John's Methodist School. Qui, ad Alexandria, Jim conobbe anche Tandy Martin , una compagna del liceo che fu anche la sua prima fidanzata. Le letture di Jim divennero sfrenate, portandolo ad accumulare centinaia di libri. A settembre dello stesso anno allora, fu rimandato a vivere dai nonni paterni a Clearwater , per fargli frequentare lo Junior College di St.

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Morrison was also still seeing Courson when he was in Los Angeles, and later moved to Paris for the summer, where Courson had acquired an apartment. Jim Morrison's Search for God. Artaud's brand of surrealist theatre had a profound impact on Morrison's dark poetic sensibility of cinematic theatricality. The San Diego Union-Tribune. James Douglas Jim Morrison. Around this time, Morrison — who had long been a heavy drinker — started showing up for recording sessions visibly inebriated. As a naval family the Morrisons relocated frequently. Other works relating to religion, mysticism , ancient myth and symbolism were of lasting interest to Morrison, particularly Joseph Campbell 's The Hero with a Thousand Faces. She also stated in the interview that she was not a fan of the band and never attended a concert by them. Morrison was taken to a local police station, photographed and booked on charges of inciting a riot, indecency and public obscenity. There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception. George Stephen Morrison. All three musicians shared a common interest in the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 's meditation practices at the time, attending scheduled classes, but Morrison was not involved in these series of classes.

James Douglas Morrison December 8, — July 3, was an American singer, songwriter and poet who was the lead vocalist and lyricist of the rock band the Doors. Due to his energetic persona, poetic lyrics, distinctive voice, erratic and unpredictable performances, along with the dramatic circumstances surrounding his life and early death, Morrison is regarded by music critics and fans as one of the most influential frontmen in rock history. Since his death, his fame has endured as one of popular culture's top rebellious and oft-displayed icons , representing the generation gap and youth counterculture.

These recordings are notable as they are among the earliest live recordings of the band to circulate. In late , during a concert in New Haven, Connecticut , Morrison was arrested on stage in an incident that further added to his mystique and emphasized his rebellious image. Dear Wikiwand AI, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions:. Download as PDF Printable version. New York: Gotham Books. It took about five minutes and they would get twenty or twenty-five years in jail. Volume 2, The American Night , released in , was also a success. Morrison's family does not recall this traffic incident happening in the way he told it. BnF authorities. Melbourne, Florida , U. Archived from the original on October 8, Recording Industry Association of America. He didn't play any instrument live except for maracas on a few occasions or in the studio, but he played the piano on "Orange County Suite". During these years, while living in Venice Beach, Morrison befriended writers at the Los Angeles Free Press , for which he advocated until he died in Following the release of "Hello, I Love You", the publisher of the Kinks ' hit " All Day and All of the Night " announced they were planning legal action against the Doors for copyright infringement; however, songwriter Ray Davies ultimately chose not to sue.

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