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Log In or Create an Account. Log In Create an Account. Hello there! My name is John Fox. I'm a 2d furry and anime artist.



Comments Earned: Comments Johnfoxart Journals: 2. Love you all, thank you!


The traditions of the Potawatomi honor the Four Directions of East, South, North and West during prayer, during ceremony and throughout the day. Each direction has unique significance. This is the path I take during my day and throughout the seasons. Each Indigenous nation has its own creation story. Some stories tell that the Potawatomi have always been here. Other stories tell of migration from the Eastern seaboard with the Ojibwe and Odawa Nations. The three tribes loosely organized as the Three Fires Confederacy, with each serving an important role. This location—in what is now Wisconsin, southern Michigan, northern Indiana, and northern Illinois—is where European explorers in the early 17th century first came upon the Potawatomi; they called themselves Neshnabek , meaning the original or true people. Skip to content. Our Approach.


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Posted on 27 May , by: zombi View List Watching Posted on 08 July , by: Zellos. I don't think I'll see my money ever again, the people who robbed me are professionals. Posted on 27 May , by: megamanfan. Archive Download. View Favorites. I'm a 2d furry and anime artist. This user has not added any information to their profile. I want to say thanks to everyone who donated me on buymeacoffee and subscribed to ma Patreon and all who support me by liking and retweeting my silly art.

The Institute for Poetic Medicine is a non-profit c 3. The Institute for Poetic Medicine offers tools and support to heal body, mind, and spirit through the creative and therapeutic process of hearing, speaking, and writing poetry. The Institute for Poetic Medicine is dedicated to nurturing the human capacity to connect to Self, Other, Community, the Natural World, and the Divine through the healing, expressive art of poetry; what we describe as:.

Front Page. Posted on 18 December , by: HBWhbw. Posted on 25 May , by: SlaaneshiDemon. Posted on 19 June , by: Sovann. I get paranoid, if some usual life situation got delayed or I can't call through somebody, I panic. Posted on 25 May , by: 0ld0neEye. Posted on 27 May , by: zombi Archive Download. Views: Submissions: Favs: View Gallery. Posted on 09 July , by: theCircle I suppose it's better than making porn with every character from a crappy disney Star wars tv shows. User Profile. Posted on 19 June , by: ac

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