Jquery terminal

It can automatically call JSON-RPC service when a user types commands or you can provide your own function in which you can parse user commands. It's ideal if you want to provide additional functionality for power users. It can also be used to debug your application. Because with this library you need to code all the commands yourself, jquery terminal, you can call it jquery terminal terminal emulator.

It can automatically call JSON-RPC service when a user types commands or you can provide your own function in which you can parse user commands. It's ideal if you want to provide additional functionality for power users. It can also be used to debug your application. Because with this library you need to code all the commands yourself, you can call it fake terminal emulator. In contrast to library that will give you access to real terminal like online SSH. To have real online SSH I suggest to use xterm.

Jquery terminal

You can use this JavaScript Terminal library to create interactive web-based terminal application on your website. Where commands are defined by you. You can define them on the server or in browser's JavaScript. Alternatively, you can provide an object with methods; each method will be invoked on the user's command python command can create python interpreter. An object can have nested objects which will create a nested interpreter you can create interactive menu of advanture game with this. You can also use a function in which you can parse user commands by yourself you have full control of what user type into terminal. It's ideal if you want to provide additional functionality for power users. Your interactive terminal application, will work the same as native terminal emulator, but the code for commands is provided by you and it will work in a browser and on mobile. You can help this Open Source project without much effort, by filling this quick survey. I've never charged anything for this project, even did a lot of support for free. I'm still willing to help even if I offer paid support. Not everyone can afford paying me money. You can help by answering a few questions. You can also help by leaving meaningful comment or by starting a discussion , even negative feedback is valuable. I will know that people like this project.

Experimental mobile support, see open issues. Total Files


It can automatically call JSON-RPC service when a user types commands or you can provide you own function in which you can parse user commands. It's ideal if you want to provide additional functionality for power users. It can also be used to debug your application. Support for authentication you can provide functions when users enter login and password or if you use JSON-RPC it can automatically call login function on the server and pass token to all functions. Stack of interpreters - you can create commands that trigger additional interpreters eg. Command Tree - you can use nested objects.

Jquery terminal

Terminal is one of the most common tool used by developers. Many applications, frameworks, and even programming languages have more function which can be invoked using command line interface. By now most of you have understood terminal in as system application but how can we build terminal like website in a browser. For that JavaScript has got our back, these terminal likes and feels like a system terminal but are not as powerful as them, but they do the work for us, and thanks to some developers we got some libraries to help us out rather than writing from scratch. Some libraries are jQuery. Now open your favorite code editor and create our base html file mostly index. The body of web page is empty because it is the place where we will write our JavaScript code. Let us write our first command.

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Jarry Shaw commits. If you want to test bleeding edge, development version of jQuery Terminal. Stack of interpreters - you can create commands that trigger additional interpreters eg. Support for authentication you can provide functions when users enter login and password or if you use JSON-RPC it can automatically call login function on the server and pass token to all functions. Martin v. The features are safe to enable, if you don't save user input in DB and don't echo it back to different users like with chat application. This is code that uses low level function, that gives you full control of the commands, just pass anything that the user types into a function. It's ideal if you want to provide additional functionality for power users. If you escape formatting this options are also safe. If you always want latest version, you can get it from unpkg without specifying version, it will redirect to the latest ones:. Git github. Report repository.

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Here are project contributors:. About jQuery Terminal Emulator - JavaScript library for creating web-based terminals with custom commands terminal. The features are safe to enable, if you don't save user input in DB and don't echo it back to different users like with chat application. The rest of the code can be on the server, so you can write fully working application, without any front-end, that can be tested in browser. If you don't save user input in DB but allow to echo back what user types and have enabled execHash options, you may have reflected XSS vulnerability if you enable this features. Anton Vasilev commits. Yutong Luo commits. You can request paid support, you can find details at support. And add command will accept any number of argments and it will sum them up if they are numbers. You also have access to this terminal in the "term" variable. Abdelrahman Omran commits. Because of security in version 1.

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