Juan garcia abrego sentence

Gerald H. Defendant-appellant Juan Juan garcia abrego sentence Abrego appeals his conviction and sentence for ten counts of possession with intent to distribute cocaine in violation of 21 U. We affirm. For approximately two decades, Juan Garcia Abrego was the hub of a narcotics smuggling syndicate of staggering dimension.

Those penalties, along with an order permitting the U. After U. Assistant Atty. Several witnesses, all of them imprisoned in the U. But none implicated senior Mexican or U. The pursuit and prosecution of Garcia Abrego, 52, was said to typify an aggressive, cooperative new attack on the multibillion-dollar, cross-border drug trade by U. Mexican prosecutors, however, recently have suffered serious setbacks in their attempts to win similar prison terms for major traffickers.

Juan garcia abrego sentence

Juan Garcia Abrego, described as the leader of a powerful drug ring based in Mexico, was convicted on October 16 on drug trafficking charges Deborah Tedford and Jo Ann Zuniga, "Cocaine kingpin is guilty," Houston Chronicle , October 17, , p. A4; "U. A3; Bruce Nichols, "U. After a four-week trial and twelve hours of deliberation, a jury in U. District Court in Houston convicted Garcia Abrego on all 22 counts of money laundering, drug possession and drug trafficking. Garcia Abrego, 52, faces up to life in prison, and is scheduled to be sentenced on January 31, Mike Ramsey, Garcia Abrego's lawyer, called the proceedings a "show trial" during his closing arguments. Ramsey suggested that the U. Government was using the high-profile trial in an election year to give the appearance that progress was being made in the war on drugs. He also labeled prosecution witnesses as "star rats" who were "bought and paid for" with reduced sentences.

From this testimony, the jury could reasonably conclude that the money laundering offense described in count 2 was committed by Garcia Abrego's coconspirators in furtherance of the conspiracy. Cal-Maine Farms, Inc. Failure of a party to raise an objection before trial constitutes a waiver of the objection.


After 10 years of investigation, a monthlong trial and 11 hours of deliberation, a federal jury here convicted Garcia Abrego, 52, on all 22 counts of drug-trafficking and money laundering--parts of a criminal conspiracy that witnesses said protected itself with millions of dollars in monthly bribes to officials on both sides of the border. After the verdict, prosecutors and defense attorneys indicated that Garcia Abrego--who fought back emotion as he listened through headphones to the Spanish translation of a verdict that could result in a maximum sentence of life in prison--has no plans to cooperate with U. They are investigating widespread corruption that they say continues to aid the drug trade in Mexico. The trial drew wide attention from many in the U. The cartel was said to have paid off U. National Guard troops to escort their tons of cocaine across the border.

Juan garcia abrego sentence

He started in the cartel under the tutelage of his uncle Juan Nepomuceno Guerra. Reports date his trafficking career beginning in the mids, exporting marijuana from Mexico into the U. In the early s he began incorporating cocaine into the cartel's trafficking operations. Claudio de la O. The buses made great transportation, as Antonio Ortiz noted, since they were never stopped at the border.

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Court of Appeals opinions delivered to your inbox! Illinois, U. Therefore, in finding Garcia Abrego guilty of conducting a CCE, the jury necessarily found that he participated in a conspiracy. In further support of his contention that he could not knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waive his Miranda rights, Garcia Abrego points to the fact that he has only the equivalent of an eighth grade education. Additionally, the involvement of Luis Medrano in the transfer and the fact that the transfer was made to facilitate the building of a warehouse to be used to distribute narcotics provide ample basis for the jury to conclude that the offense described in count 12 was committed by Garcia Abrego's coconspirators in furtherance of the conspiracy. But Rule only excludes evidence that would be unfairly prejudicial to the defendant. Based upon this testimony, the jury could reasonably conclude that the money laundering offense described in count 15 was committed by Garcia Abrego's coconspirators in furtherance of the conspiracy. Mike Ramsey, Garcia Abrego's lawyer, called the proceedings a "show trial" during his closing arguments. Indeed, he has not even alleged the existence of witnesses who would have been willing to testify in his favor had he been able to offer them incentives similar to those offered by the government. Garcia Abrego also protected his organization by attempting to maintain a low profile. District courts are afforded "substantial latitude in formulating jury charges. Jaime Rivas testified that he informed Medrano about the load of cocaine lost at the Sarita checkpoint and that Medrano instructed Malherbe to tell "El Senor" about the lost load. Johnson, U.

Those penalties, along with an order permitting the U.

Garcia Abrego argues that the government failed to prove that he derived substantial income from the sale of narcotics and that he organized, led, managed, or supervised five or more individuals. Illinois, U. He also relies on the district court's statement in connection with a hearing regarding disqualification of counsel on the basis of conflicts of interest that Garcia Abrego did not understand the conflicts issue and "also [did] not have a rudimentary understanding of his constitutional rights and of the judicial process that now affects his future. No motive is suggested that would lead bank officials to change, distort, or manipulate the records at issue here. Garcia Abrego does not challenge the sufficiency of the evidence to establish that the money at issue in each of the money laundering counts constituted the proceeds of narcotics trafficking or that the transfers at issue were made for the purpose of promoting narcotics trafficking activity. We conclude that sufficient evidence existed for the jury to conclude that each of the substantive drug offenses was committed by one or more of Garcia Abrego's coconspirators in furtherance of the conspiracy. The only evidence that the district court heard indicating mistreatment by Mexican authorities consisted of testimony and out-of-court statements from Garcia Abrego himself, and the court was free to make a negative credibility assessment regarding this evidence. But Rule only excludes evidence that would be unfairly prejudicial to the defendant. Before addressing Garcia Abrego's claims regarding his custodial statement, a synopsis of the facts surrounding that statement is necessary. Garcia Abrego does not dispute that the law enforcement officers who interviewed him read him his Miranda rights in Spanish and that he stated to them that he understood each of these rights. In support of his contention that the medication that he received precluded a voluntary waiver, Garcia Abrego points to essentially the same expert testimony to which he points in support of his contention that his custodial statement was involuntary. Count 3 of the indictment was based upon the seizure of kilograms of cocaine at the Sarita, Texas border patrol checkpoint on March 14, See Griffin v. Insufficient evidence supported Garcia Abrego's convictions of the substantive drug offenses.

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