Julius caesar act 2 summary

Julius Caesar. Plot Summary. Private Politics and Morality Fate.

The scene is set in Caesar's house during a night of thunder and lightning, and Caesar is commenting on the tumultuous weather and upon Calphurnia's having dreamed of his being murdered. He sends a servant to instruct his augurers , men designated to interpret signs and appease the gods, to perform a sacrifice. Calphurnia enters and implores Caesar not to leave home for the day. She describes the unnatural phenomena that have brought her to believe in the validity of omens. Caesar replies that no one can alter the plans of the gods and that he will go out.

Julius caesar act 2 summary

Toggle navigation. In the wee hours of the morning, he is alone on stage, debating with himself about what to do regarding Julius Caesar. On the one hand, he compares Caesar to an unhatched snake, asserting that Caesar is not dangerous yet but that he could become dangerous. Brutus also worries that, as Caesar climbs the ladder of power, he will forget all of the people beneath him and, thus, become a corrupted leader. However, Brutus keeps coming back to the idea that Caesar hasn't done anything wrong up until now. Ultimately, Brutus decides that he will go through with killing Caesar because he worries that Caesar has too much potential to do evil. At the conclusion of this speech, Brutus' servant brings him a letter he has found. This is, of course, one of the letters that Cassius has had planted in Brutus' home. It asks Brutus to "speak, strike, redress" or, in other words, to take action against a wrong, i. Reading this letter only furthers Brutus' resolve to do something. Following this, Cassius arrives at Brutus' house with other men who have joined the conspiracy to kill Caesar.

He is sad to think that the virtue embodied by Caesar may be destroyed by the ambitious envy of the conspirators. Something similar occurs in regards to Marc Antony.

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Brutus is in his garden and has decided that Caesar must be killed. His reasons for reaching this conclusion are that Caesar is abusing his power and that has ascended far too quickly. Lucius , Brutus' servant, brings him a letter planted by Cassius he has found in Brutus' private room. The first line of the letter reads, "Brutus, thou sleep'st. Awake, and see thyself" 2.

Julius caesar act 2 summary

Toggle navigation. In the wee hours of the morning, he is alone on stage, debating with himself about what to do regarding Julius Caesar. On the one hand, he compares Caesar to an unhatched snake, asserting that Caesar is not dangerous yet but that he could become dangerous. Brutus also worries that, as Caesar climbs the ladder of power, he will forget all of the people beneath him and, thus, become a corrupted leader. However, Brutus keeps coming back to the idea that Caesar hasn't done anything wrong up until now. Ultimately, Brutus decides that he will go through with killing Caesar because he worries that Caesar has too much potential to do evil. At the conclusion of this speech, Brutus' servant brings him a letter he has found. This is, of course, one of the letters that Cassius has had planted in Brutus' home. It asks Brutus to "speak, strike, redress" or, in other words, to take action against a wrong, i.

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She remarks to the audience, "I have a man's mind, but a woman's might. Decius then enters, and Caesar decides to send the message by him; Decius asks what reason he is to give to the senators for Caesar's failure to attend today's session, and Caesar says to tell them simply that he "will not come. The plans to kill Caesar thus made, the conspirators depart. Brutus' wife Portia arrives and tells him he has left her bed and given her unkind looks. Brutus returns and he and Cassius discuss what will happen if they lose. Act 4 Scene 2 Brutus waits for Cassius in the rebel camp. What do we learn about these marriages? What does this say about their characters? Go ad-free AND get instant access to grade-boosting study tools! Caesar tells him of his troubles. Ironically, Calpurnia's dream of a Caesar statue bleeding from a hundred holes with which Romans bath their hands, is an accurate prediction of Caesar's death, which occurs in the Act 3. The citizens of Rome are a powerful force. Create Your Account. He is a man who is torn by loyalty to a friend and doing what is best for his country.

A street.

He reads a letter that Cassius and Cinna have planted. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Your Plan. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Payment Details. Cassius kills himself on his birthday. Log in. How different is their language? Why does Antony shake hands with the conspirators? And, indeed, Cassius will later prove to be correct about this issue. She then stabs herself in the thigh as proof of her courage. Unfortunately for him, this sometimes causes a blind spot in his judgment. Which do you believe and why?

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